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Tobys POV
"He what?" I shout getting out of the bed quickly and putting on jeans and a shirt.
"Toby where are you going?" Spencer asks me starting to cry.
"I'm gonna go find him." I say angrily. She gets out of bed and stands in front of the door and won't let me through.
"Spencer move please." I say.
"No Toby." she says.
"Are you just gonna let him get away with this?" I say starting to raise my voice.
"No but I can't let you go out there and kill him!" she shouts back.
"You could've have died from him Spencer, he could have killed you. He will get what he deserves."I say and move her out of the way and I and grab the keys for the truck. I walk out to the truck and I start driving around town hoping to see him. Just my luck I see him walking on the sidewalk near the brew. I park and get out and walk over to him.
I hear him mumble something under his breath but I couldn't understand what he said. I punched him across the face. He fell to the ground. I continued to punch him until I could feel his blood on my hands. I slammed his head agaisnt the sidewalk. Then I felt arms grab my shoulders and pull me back.
"Toby stop." Spencer says crying. I quickly stand up and she hugs me crying into my chest. I look at Brandon and I see a dark puddle forming around his body. I couldn't tell what it was since it was so dark out but I'm sure it's blood. I couldn't tell if he was breathing or not.
"Spence go you cant be here especially if he is....just go please." I tell her.
"No I don't want to leave you." she cries.
"I have to call the police, and I don't want you to be here when they get here." I tell her.
"If your here and he's dead you'll go to jail Toby, please come home we can call on the way and we can make it anonymous. Then maybe they won't find out it was you." she says crying harder.
"Spencer I ca- "
"Please Toby."
"Get in your car and I'll follow behind you okay?" I say and she nods and runs to her car and I get in the truck. I call the police as I drive back to the house. We get back to the house and Spencer is crying and freaking out.
"Toby your gonna go to jail." she says.
I don't say anything because it most likely I am.
"Maybe we should run, get as far away from here as possible to like Germany or something so that wa-" she says.
"No I won't involve you in this, you didn't do anything." I say.
"I dont want to loose you Toby." she says putting her face into my neck and cries. I hug her trying to calm her down.  Then there's a knock at the door.
"Go to the bedroom." I tell Spencer. She shake her head.
"Spencer go." I say again and she walks to the bedroom. I walk over and open the door and see Tanner standing there.
Before I can say anything I hear 8 words that makes Spencer come running down the stairs.
"Toby Cavanaugh your under arrest for assault."
Sorry guys my phone is still broken so I can't update as often. I hope everyone likes this. There are probably spelling mistakes....ignore them oh and leave feedback......K BYE

Instagram: @tobysass

Until we meet again -Trinity 🐳

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