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Tobys POV
I got to see everybody, first Hanna and Caleb, then Ezra and Aria, and last Emily and Alison. The one person I really wanted to see wouldn't come back in. Everyone said after that they were going home. I don't even know if Spencer is still here. I push the little but that alarmed the nurse so she would come in.
"Do you need something?" The nurse asks stepping in his room.
"Yes, um do you know if my wife is still here?" I asked hoping she says she is.
"I just saw her come back up with some coffee, would you like me to get her for you?" She asks and I nod.
"Yes please." I say and she walks away. I wait patiently. Suddenly I see a small brunette standing in the doorway.
"Hey..." I say to her.
She closes the door and sits on the chair by my bed.
She says nothing, all she does is sip her coffee.
"Spencer.... pleas talk to me" I say looking at her.
"There's nothing to talk about." She says harshly.
"Look I'm was just saying it's a possibility it wasn't him, I mean maybe you were confused it was a kiss. You can't always tell by a kiss." I say.
"Yes you can. If I was in a room with a million other people and I was blind folded and you kissed me I would know it was's just a feeling I get." She tells me.
"And you get that same feeling with him." I say starting to get mad.
"No of course not....I get the feeling of when he held me down and kissed me and the feeling of when I couldn't move because he was too strong for me. The feeling of hatred I had because he would hurt me and rape me. That's the type of feeling I get with him!" She says and puts her head  in her hands and starts to cry.
"Spence....I'm sorry." I say sincerely. "Please don't cry." I add. She lifts her head up and I move her sweet brown shiny curls out of her face.
She climbs in the bed next to me.
"I should have protected you better and not have left you alone, none of this would have happened." I say.
"Stop it." Is all she tells me while slightly smaking my chest.
We layed there for a little bit in silence. Not award silence, just perfect silence.
"Your World would have so much easier of you never had met me."
I say.
"Ya it would have, but it wouldn't be my world without you in it." She tells me with a slight smile. I kiss her softly and we both fall asleep.
I hope everyone likes creds to who can ever figure out where I got the world quote from... leave feedback...There are probably spelling mistakes....Also this is the second update for today cuz I won't be able to update for a while........K BYE

Instagram : @tobysass

Until we meet again - Trinity 🐳

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