Kaoru x Suicidal!Reader: Shattered Soul Part Two

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I grasp Kaoru's hand and look around anxiously. He squeezes my hand and softly kisses my cheek.

"I swear, no one will hurt you." I believe every word. I feel eyes on me as I hold Kaoru's hand tightly. I lean on him while we walk down the hall to our first class. Everyone stares, but I hold my head high; I will not be broken. Not again.

I sit next to him and reach for a pencil, when I hear someone chuckle behind me. I look up to see Hikaru and some girl whispering and pointing at me. Or rather, my hand in Kaoru's. I drop his hand and look down. Kaoru looks over in concern.

"What is it (Y/n)?" I shake my head and frown. He glances behind me and then back at me. "(Y/n), this ends after school. I swear. The Host Club will back me up on this one." I smile softly and grasp his hand in mine, a light blush dusting my cheeks.

"Thank you," I whisper. He presses a kiss to my knuckles, making me giggle. We turn to pay attention in class, our hands only unlocking when we were required to write. As the bell rings, I get my stuff and get ready for lunch.

"What do you have today?" Kaoru asks as we walk up to the roof. He was first a little weary of letting me be on the roof, but after much convincing, he gave in. We climb the steps, and he opens the door for me.

I squeal in surprise as I am met with the Host Club, minus Hikaru, waiting on the other side. I quickly hide behind Kaoru, who chuckles and grabs my hand, pulling me out from behind him.

"Guys, this is my girlfriend, (Y/n)." I am suddenly separated from Kaoru as I am swept into a strong hug.

"She is so cute!" Tamaki says, squeezing the life out of me. He lets go and I feel a hand on my head. I look up and see Mori looking down at me with a small smile, which I return. His hand drops and I come face to face with Haruhi. I knew her in elementary school, but we never talked much after.

"Nice to see you again," I say, sticking my hand out. She takes it but pulls me into a hug.

"Kaoru will take care of you," she whispers in my ear. I smile and nod, before turning and meeting Kyoya. He politely smiles and offers a hand, which I take. I feel a tug on my other hand and see Honey staring up at me.

"Hi (Y/n)-chan!" I giggle.

"Hi Honey." Kaoru wraps his hands around my waist and kisses my shoulder.

"Let's eat!"

(Time skip brought to you by how sad making Hikaru the bad guy is making me)

During lunch, I became good friends with the Host Club. The rest of my classes went without consequence, and suddenly it was time to confront Hikaru in the club. I clutch Kaoru's arm nervously.

"Are you sure they will defend me?" I ask nervously. He nods and plants a kiss on my head.

"Don't worry, I've got you." The doors open and we are met by rose petals.

"Kaoru, there you are! Oh, and you brought your little emo friend. Just drop her in a corner with a razor and she will be fine." I drop my head and feel tears well in my eyes. I hear a crack and look up to see Hikaru holding his nose, and Kaoru with bloody knuckles (THAT'S RIGHT BITCHES!) "Man, what the hell!"

"Stop talking about my girlfriend like that! I love her!" Kaoru yells. I grab his hand and pull him back.

"It's okay, Kaoru. Just let it go." Kaoru opens his mouth to protest, but Kyoya beats him to it.

"While the Host Club does not promote violence, we definitely hate bullying," Kyoya says, glaring menacingly at Hikaru.

"How dare you talk to her like that! If that is true you should help her!" To my surprise, it is MORI who yells this.

Hikaru looks shocked, but shakes it off and turns to leave.

"Just wait, you will regret this!" Kaoru pulls me into a kiss and looks at his twin.

"Never." I kiss Kaoru's knuckles.

"I love you Kaoru."

"I love you too!"

(Part three with Hikaru's redemption?)

Ouran High School Host Club x Reader One Shots #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now