Bubble Tea-Part 4

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-Things you need to know~-

(Y/n)-Your name


(H/c)-Hair color

(F/c)-Favorite color

(2/F/c)-Second favorite color

(E/c)-Eye Color

(R/n)-Random name

I'm sososososososososososososososo sorry about not posting in such a long time! I've been quite caught up in chaos, so it's a bit hectic. I'll try to update more often, ok? Also, the picture above is Lily's house/restaurant. The first floor is the restaurant, the second floor is the bedrooms/house, and the third floor is a storage space.


I'd been working at Lily's for a while, and I thankfully hadn't run into Noble yet. I was washing the bartop counter.  Until this popped up on the news.

"A young girl with cat ears and a tail named (Y/n) is currently missing. She has (H/L), (H/c) hair and (E/c) eyes. She is 5'3, and if you have seen her, please call ***-****-*** (IDK what state Noble lives in.) I'm (Random name), and this is NBC." My eyes widened, and I started to run. "Lily, did you see the..." I said, only to see Lily sleeping on the floor. I sighed a breath of relief. "Come on, Lils, wake up." I nudged Lily. Lily shot up from the floor, eyes widened. "What is, (Y/n)?" She looked at me. "It's almost time to open up. Come on, I'll brush your hair." I went into Lily's bathroom in the hallway. I picked up her gray brush, and a detangling spray for her hair. I walked back into the break room to see Lily looking in a mirror. "Lily? What are you doing?" I asked her. Lily looked at me with panic in her eyes. I sighed. "Tell me what happened, Lils." I said. "Well, I was serving a table yesterday, and they said, "Oh we wanted a cute maid, not an ugly fox like you." What is so wrong with being a fox? I just don't understand!" Lily broke into tears. "Hun, they're just jealous of you. While we're a different species from them, while they're just humans. It's natural for them to get jealous. Also, if I ever see those jerks that did that, I'll beat em' to a pulp. Ok?" Those words seemed to calm Lily down. "Now come on! We got a café to run!" I exclaimed. "You're right, (N/n)-Chan. Thank you." Lily smiled. "But there's now a ransom that Noble must have put up... So, if someone sees me, I'm dead meat. Also, I can now explain why I ran from Noble, ok?"

--After explaining to Lily--

"Woah... that's crazy... I'm sorry for asking you about it, but I understand." Lily looked at me with slight sympathy in her eyes. "Lils, there's no need to give me sympathy. I made my own choice to run away." I smiled. "We gotta open up now! Come on!" I grabbed Lily's hand. (I should mention that you and Lily were still in your maid outfits.) "Welcome, good morning everyone!" I bowed in a traditional Japanese way. "Morning, (Y/n)-Chan. My regular, please." (R/n) was one of my favorite customers who came in bright and early every morning to get his/her regular. I started the coffee machine, and hit the latte button. The machine took another 30 seconds before finishing. The was only one problem. Noble was walking in the café with Chocola and Vanilla. I ducked under the counter, and crawled all the way to the break room so Noble wouldn't see me. "(Y/n)? What are you doing?" I just kept crawling. "Lily...pssst... Lils... over here..." I whispered. "Please excuse me for a second." She then bowed to the customer she was serving. "What is it...." Lily asked. "Shhhh! Noble's right over there! What do I do!?!?" I was slightly panicking. "I have a cosplay wig you can wear. Juts follow me." I followed Lily to her room, where she had opened the top draw to grab the wig. "Here's a wig cap, and here's the wig." Lily handed me a blue wig with cream and purple highlights in it.

This is the wig: 

 I pulled my hair up into a bun, put the wig cap over it, and then set the wig down on top of the wig cap

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 I pulled my hair up into a bun, put the wig cap over it, and then set the wig down on top of the wig cap. "You look great. Noble hopefully won't be able to recognize you. Let's go before we become suspicious." Lily and I left the room, heading down the stairs from the second floor. The curls from the wig bounced with every step I took. I walked back to the bar to talk to (R/n). "(R/n)! It's me! (Y/n)!" I said. "Why are you wearing a wig, (N/n)-Chan?" (R/n) whispered. "It's because it's wig day! That's it! Wig day!" I exclaimed. "Well, I suppose I should be going. See you later, (Y/n)-Chan!" (R/n) waved me goodbye, and she/he walked out the door. I could now see Noble and Chocola & Vanilla ordering their food with another maid. Luckily, my cat ears didn't stick out from the wig, which was a relief. I stood back up, and went to the kitchen calmly, trying to keep a straight face. "(Y/n)! Order for table 19!" I grabbed the plates of steaming food, and walked to table 19. When I arrived, it just happened to be Noble's table. Why I couldn't forgive him? I truly couldn't understand these confusing feelings. "Order for table 19!" I tried to make my voice a bit deeper so Noble or Chocola and Vanilla wouldn't notice me. "One strawberry crepe, one red velvet cake slice, and one cherry-cheesecake slice." I put the plates down on the table. "Enjoy!" I bowed and hurried off. "Hey, doesn't that sound like (Y/n)-Chan?" Vanilla asked. "Yeah, that does, but where are her cat ears and tail?" Chocola asked. I'm glad that I tucked in my tail, otherwise they might have questioned me. "Um, excuse me, could you please come here for a quick second?" Vanilla asked. I twitched. "Sure..." I spoke in a deeper voice once again. I walked calmly back over to the table. "Is there a problem with your food, or would you like to order something else?" I asked. "No, it's just you sound and look a lot like someone we know. Hhm... you could actually almost be her twin..." As Vanilla was talking to me, I heard footsteps come up from behind me, and then the wig came off, revealing my long (H/c) hair and (F/c) cat ears. I felt tears form in my eyes, and I sprinted out of the café, running while hearing Noble calling my name. I just kept sprinting, until I turned down an alleyway, hiding behind. Why do I keep running away every-time Noble is around? I just keep on running away. I started to shed tears, until I felt a pair of warm arms wrap me in a hug. "(Y/n)... Why do you keep running from me...?" All I could do at the moment was cry, and just keep staying in a hug with Noble. I felt my (F/c) cat ears twitch. "I'm sorry...." I said. "There's nothing to be sorry for, (Y/n). I'm sorry for touching your cat ears. I'm sorry I freaked you out, and made you run away. I'm sorry..." At this point, we were both crying, but the amount of feelings mixing together made a bitter-sweet moment of love. "Aww, look at them, They're so cute together!" A person said to their boyfriend. That reminds me of us!" Their boyfriend replied. I smiled. "So, are we a thing now?" Noble asked. "Yep." I said, as I pulled Noble in for a kiss.

Words: 1256 (I wrote a lot for this chapter -0-;")

So, this is the finale!~

I know I could've made this story longer, but I feel like it could've been messed up if I tried.

Have a great day/night wherever you are, and I hope to see you soon!


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