Wanting to forget (supraman38)

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Chapter one

"I can't do this anymore, I don't want to miss you 24/7 and try to make something work that isn't meant to be, I'm done with all the arguing and all the lies....let's just stop pretending and go back to how things used to be, without a 'you and me'."


I remember that day so vividly that it hurts, and it's been a year and a half. It wasn't always bad memories though he actually was the best thing that ever happened to me...at times, do I miss him? Of course everyday. Do I ignore him? Yes. People may call me selfish and a bitch but I'm not. Nobody knows why I stopped talking to him I don't even think he even really knew why.

Anyways let me bring you back all the way to August of 2013 where this story really started. As much as I'd like to forget I can't seem to bring myself to stop.


"What do you wanna do tonight?" My best friend Allie said looking out her window.

"I don't know anything you wanna do I guess." I said.

Allie got up and grabbed her laptop off of her desk and sat down on her queen sized bed with a floral pink bed spread. I'm really jealous of her room, it's so neat and clean like something you would see from IKEA. I like to be creative with my own room and make it unique and my dad mistakes it for 'clutter', but I think my room is really cool looking, that's just me.

"How about we go on YouNow."

"What's YouNow?" I ask confused.

She groans at me NOT knowing what she's talking about, she's one of those people that hate to explain themselves, "it's a website where you can watch people broadcast or broadcast yourself to a live audience. It's kinda my addiction right now, I go on it everyday almost."

I widen my eyes, look at her and start to laugh, "it sounds pretty sketchy don't cha think?"

She try's not to smile and rolls her eyes, "I know what you're thinking and it's not like that, it's a clean website...for the most part, see look Connor Franta is broadcasting, you've seen his videos before right?"

"You basically forced me to watch all the youtubers you like, so yeah I know who Connor is."

Allie turns up the volume and we start to watch the broadcast. "I'm gonna go get some popcorn I'll be right back bae."

"Hurry back I'm starving...bae." We laugh because we both hate that stupid ass word but we say it anyways, for the fact that it's ridiculous. Allie walks out of the room leaving the door open a crack. So I decide to check out this 'YouNow' thing. Looks like there's channels and a whole bunch of people can do live shows and you have't to wait your turn in queue. I guess.

As I look down all the channels I see a picture of justin bieber and some boy standing next to him, so of course I get curious and click on it.

I squint my eyes to see better and read the username out loud to myself, supraman38. Cool.

I start to watch his broadcast, not knowing in the back of my mind I seriously find this guy attractive. He's wearing a SnapBack, hoodie, and his hair is in the style of a quiff. I smirk, but stop myself and my face turns blank. I hate basing people off looks, I mean he could be a total jerk but here I am smiling because he's 'hot'. So I listen to him talk for a few minutes.

I notice that there's a thing to where you can comment, I wasn't going to do it because it's not my account but I thought it was a cool feature. In about 5 minutes I learned that his name is Sam, he's 17, lives in Massachusetts with his mom and has two cats, fish, two birds, and he loves justin bieber. Wow I feel like a stalker.

WANTING TO FORGET (supraman38) (itssamcollins) (Sam Collins)Where stories live. Discover now