Come back |4|

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Chapter four: come back

/May 2014/

"I have come to the conclusion that it is nearly impossible to forget about you. No matter what I do I cannot seem to get you out of my mind, you and I have something special, I can't explain it, it's just a feeling that's there. I know you feel it too. Please come back my heart aches with each hour-day-month and now year, that goes by. We talked on the phone everyday, video chatted and suddenly for some reason you stopped video chatting me and soon after the phone calls stopped too. Tell me something, one little thing, have you found someone else, a person that helps you to smile and laugh a person you look at and can picture spending the rest of your life with, how they talk, breath, run their fingers through their hair. All the things you love about that one person run throughout your mind all in one glance. I used to look at you like that. You told me whenever I was around I made you feel safe, protected. You get me, you know things about me that no other human being knows. I could be myself around you. I didn't have't to pretend to be perfect because you showed me that with every flaw I hated about myself, you loved. You make my days brighter, well, you used to, now all I try to to do is forget because I really don't think you even want me to remember.

This is my last letter I'm gonna write to you, I'm just wasting my time right about now. I wish you great happiness in your life. I miss you so much, and I hate you for leaving me, you never even told me what I was doing wrong. Was I even doing anything? or did you just lose interest. I know the pain I get when I think about never seeing you again will go away, eventually, but I will never stop loving you Eloise, no matter how hard I try, I WILL LOVE YOU TIL FOREVER."

- Sam

WANTING TO FORGET (supraman38) (itssamcollins) (Sam Collins)Where stories live. Discover now