Danny is back |2|

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Chapter two: danny's back

I wake up to the sound of music playing, but I can't deceiver what song it is. When I open my eyes it's bright and everything is blurry. I reach my hand over to Allie's bedside table to get my glasses. I pull my self up a little and rest on my elbows on the bed to look around. The curtains are open and Allie isn't in the room, but I hear commotion downstairs. I get up and look at the clock, '12:37'. Damn I slept late. I think to myself.

I step into the bathroom to wash my face then I go downstairs to see what all the noise was about.

"What are you doing?!" I ask Allie who is laying on the floor laughing historically with silly string and balloons all over her living room.

She takes a breath and gets up trying to stop laughing and begins to tell me, "You remember Danny right? My cousin, well he's back and surprised me with balloons and lots of silly string."

How could I forget Danny? Danny is Allie's older cousin which would make him nineteen and Allie sixteen. He left when he was eighteen to travel and explore different places. He won the lottery, it wasn't a lot of money but it was enough for him to do what he's always wanted. He has a very free spirited soul and once he sets his mind on something he will work towards it until he gets it.

Allie and Danny used to be inseparable. He moved in with Allie and her parents when he was thirteen because his parents both went to jail for running a big drug ring so they spent their most crucial years together. In the sense of growing up and dealing with family problems. She looked up to him and clearly still does. I can see why though because he always, no matter what the situation had a smile on his face and spoke positively about the world.

This all meant I spent lots of time with him too since Allie and I were best friends since we were three. I liked Danny a lot, he helped me find who I am today and showed me a new way to view the world. I'm glad he's back, Allie really missed him, it was hard to see her so upset when he left. I never showed it but I was hurt to.

I'll admit I cried a few times at night just wondering where he was or if he was okay. Maybe a part of me wanted to go on that journey too. Meet new people make unforgettable memories, he is lucky to have had a once in a life time experience. It didn't help that I also had a small crush on him but that is a long gone feeling and I even forgot about him...until now.

I look at the couch to see a tall guy with short dirty blond hair get up and walk towards me.

''Danny?''I whisper unknowingly.

"It's me. I'm back! Did ya miss me kiddo?" He leans down and hugs me.

"I missed you a lot actually, when you left all the fun left with you." I squeeze him tighter not wanting to let go.

He let's go of me and steps back to look at me.

"Did you just wake up?" He asks.

"Yeah, I know it's almost one o'clock don't judge me. I was tired. So come on tell me everything and I want details!" I walk over and sit, hitting the cushion next to me indicating for him to sit beside me.

"I will later, but right now I gotta visit my parents that's sorta the reason why I'm back. I have't to take care of some things today. I'll be back later tonight to tell you guys all the crazy stories I have, and trust me there's a lot." He bends over and grabs his bag and places it over his shoulder.

Allie gives him a hug and tells him to say hi to his parents for her, then shuts the door behind him as he leaves. "I can't believe he's back. He is never gonna leave for that long again."

"I know it's felt like forever since we've seen or heard from him." I say watching as Danny gets into his car and drives off.

"Yeah, hey do you want me to make you brunch? I already ate." Allie asks me I grin and tell her 'yes'.

While she makes the food I decide to clean up all the silly string and balloons.

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