Meeting Antonio |7|

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Chapter seven: Meeting Antonio

Antonio turns to me and takes out his headphones. I can't really see what he looks like due to the fact that it's dark outside.

"Oh my gosh, you scared me." He laughed nervously.

"I'm Eloise, sorry for scaring you." I reach out my hand to shake his.

"Come on let's go in the house." He leads the way into the gigantic four story home.

I can't help to notice while I'm walking behind him that he's extremely tall and muscular. Tall guys aren't really my type though, I always preferred short guys. Antonio walks fast, I'm already running out of breath, or maybe I just need to work out more. Or at all for that matter.

We finally get up to the sliding doors, "after you", he says.

He comes in and shuts the door behind himself, "follow me."

I follow him through a corridor which has plants and absract art on the walls. This house is insanely beautiful, everywhere I look theres somthing unique to it.

"We can sit in the family room, our maid Maria just cleaned it and put on the fire place."

I scan the room,"but its summer why would you need to use a fire place?"

"I dont know I guess its nice for setting the mood." Antonio looks straight into my eyes and doesn't look away.

"What are you doing? I didn't come here as your date, I came here to hang out apparently, so could you not stare at me like that? Thanks." I say fold on my arms. Surprisingly Antonio just starts grinning then laughs.

"I wasn't- I mean, you're really pretty and all but, I just don't go...that way."

Oh my god I'm such an idiot, well how was I supposed to know that. People don't have signs over their heads saying 'I'm gay'.

"Sorry...uhm I just figured, you know...the way you were looking at me was kinda- you know what I'm gonna stop talking now." I say abruptly.

Antonio laughs, "Yeah that'd be a good idea."

A few seconds pass and I decide to break the silence. "So your sister and my brother huh, when did that happen?"

"Couple weeks ago, I don't know. It honestly bothers the shit out of me to...not to like diss your brother or anything."

I'm taken a back by what he said...well not really. Jeremiah isn't very personable come to mention it. "You don't like my brother? Or the fact that he's with your sister?"

"Both. Ever since she's been hanging out with that loser-no offense- she has changed." Antonio says.

"I can imagine, my brother can be an influence, usually bad. I apologize on his behave." Leave it up to me to apologize for someone else's mistake.


The rest of the night was, fun actually, Antonio is a really cool person to hang with. He's also flamboyant, which I love. We both hate my brother, and like to be by ourselves cause 'people is stupid', his words not mine.

When my Jeremiah and Camila finally get back it's almost one in the morning.

"Hey, did you have fun?" I ask Camila as she walks in her house alone.

" was...yeah." She twirled her hair like a five year old and smiled.

"Okay well, glad you enjoyed yourself tonight but where's Jeremiah?"

She snaps up, "Oh your brother, he's outside in da car."

"Thanks." I say annoyed, rolling my eyes and slamming the door shut behind me.

I hop in my brothers car and close the door, "What the actual hell, Jer?"

"What?" He asked laughing nervously, he's knows I'm pissed.

"Wow!" I point to the car clock, "...Would you look at that, it's one in the morning. And I'm still this car, in front of this girls house."

"First of all, I know you're upset but can you at least call her by her name and not, 'this girl', her name is Camila, and second...chill bro."

I glare at him and bite my tongue in anger. "Drive, Just drive." I say through gritted teeth.

He huffs and puts the car in drive then pulls out of the drive way. I rest my head back and close my eyes, waiting for him to pull up at our house.

Ten minutes later the car stops and I see that we're home, thankfully.

I practically throw myself on my bed when I get upstairs. Not for long though because I have't to get ready for bed. I take a short shower and put on some comfy shorts and a loose t-shirt. I stand in front of my bathroom mirror as I brush my teeth and I hear my phone go off in the other room, I walk over to my bed and check my phone still brushing my teeth with my other hand.

It's a tweet from Sam.

@Supraman38 If any of you are bored and wanna talk for a little bit go on skype and add me :) my user is the same as this one.

I smile and favorite the tweet, and toss my phone on my bed so I can finish up in the bathroom. When I finish I turn the light out and get under my blankets, phone in hand. I download the Skype app which only takes two minutes, then I set up my account and chose a profile picture. I search up his username and add him. Immediately I want to text him, but I think hard about what to write first.

Should I put a simple 'hi' or maybe a casual 'hey', what about 'sup' or is that too plain.

I decide to just do it and get it over with cause I think to damn much and before I even make up my mind he'll already be logged off.

-EloiseXOX_101: Hey Sam 😊

-Supraman38: Hi 😀

He replies faster than I had thought he would.

-Supraman38: if that's u in ur picture then ur really hot

My heart skips like a guzzilian beats and I stare at my phone shocked. Is this a joke? Sam does not think I' He must have me confused with someone else. I start to shake as I type back. Wait, I'm shaking...why am I shaking? It's just a boy, and a text, why am I so nervous.


A/N: That took me forever to publish and I'm sorry to anyone who actually likes this story, which I doubt. But if you do I hope you enjoyed, and a new chapter might be up tomorrow too. Also this takes place when Sam wasn't that known like he is now so in my story he only has a little over 1,000 twitter followers, which is actually what he had when I started this book and I couldn't be any prouder of him, and all that he has accomplished so far. So yeah see ya later guys! :) Please vote if u liked this chapter.

WANTING TO FORGET (supraman38) (itssamcollins) (Sam Collins)Where stories live. Discover now