Weeks pass |5|

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Chapter Five: weeks pass

A few weeks have passed since that awful day at the beach, and I still haven't talked to Allie. I try my best to ignore her, I know what she did wasn't that bad but I have been busy with family issues. My dad is continuing to be a total jerk while my mother is lying in bed all day not even knowing what day it is. Honestly the only thing that keeps me sane is the fact that I have a laptop and food. I've become addicted to YouNow, it's like I watch it religiously.

Sam gets on pretty often and it makes me happier even though my day could've been shit. I have a feeling that my life is only gonna get better from here if I'm willing to make it happen.

"Eloise I need you to come with me somewhere later on." Jeremiah said while standing in my bedroom doorway.

"What do you mean go with you? Go with you where? You never wanna take me anywhere, unless you get something out if it." I question him, raising an eyebrow.

He glances down at his beeping phone and quickly says, "you're gonna go whether you like it or not, be ready by nine, that's when I'm coming to get you." before walking out and slamming the door behind him.

Who does he think he is. He can't just boss me around like that. I hear the front door shut indicating that he had left. I rush over to my window and open it, "Jeremiah! Don't expect me to go to...what ever you have planned." I growled in frustration.

He looks up at me and laughs, "yes you are." then gets into his truck to drive off. I grumbled under my breath as I watch my brother drive away.

Now what am I supposed to, if I don't go he'll use it against me and will be mad at me. Things never go my way. I swear.


It's now eight o'clock and I still haven't gotten ready, to be honest I forgot all about what my brother had said to me just hours before. All day I either sat in my pool on the raft, read, watched T.V. or took care of my mom. I called a nurse that comes to help us out, when I need someone to take care of my mom. It stresses me out a lot and makes me not want to do anything but watch her because I just feel so bad for her.

"It was many and many a year ago, In a kingdom by the sea, That a maiden there lived whom you may know by the name of ANNABEL LEE; And this maiden she lived with no other thought than to love and be loved by me.

I was a child and she was a child, in this kingdom by the sea; But we loved with a love that was more than love- I and my Annabel Lee; with a love that the winged seraphs of heaven coveted her and me. And this was the reason that-"

I put down my notebook of all my favorite poems when I hear my phone vibrate next to me.

Me: 'hello.' I answer in a happy tone.

Jeremiah: 'are you ready yet I'm almost home to get you.'

Me: 'oops, uhm I may or may not be still in bed.'

Jeremiah: 'you are not gonna mess this up for me, not this time, get your ass out of bed and put on something nice.'

Me: 'tell me where you're taking me first.'

Jeremiah: 'it doesn't matter Eloise just tr-'

Me: '...it does matter? you care about this too much and it involves me so just tell me before I resent you for taking me somewhere stupid.'

Jeremiah: 'it's not! come on, just do this small favor for me.'

Me: 'what do I get out of it?'

Jeremiah: 'ugh fine, I'll ahh, I don't know. I'll do more chores around the house to help you out.'

Me: 'you're supposed to do that anyways. I want you to stop bringing your douchey friends to the house all the time.'

Jeremiah: 'alright I can do that, and they're not douches.'

Me: 'yes they are and you're the leader of them all.'

Jeremiah: 'you're lucky I need you to do something for me or else I would say so many things right now!'

Me: 'gotta go!'

Jeremiah: 'get ready Eloise, I mean it!'

Me: 'bye jer!'

I hang up on him and let out a sigh of frustration. Even though I don't wanna go, I think it'll be good to get out of the house a while.

WANTING TO FORGET (supraman38) (itssamcollins) (Sam Collins)Where stories live. Discover now