hey |13|

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Chapter thirteen: hey

why haven't you answered me, what did i do - sam🍍

I felt really bad when I read his text, I know I should answer him but what would I say?

Hey uhm yeah I'm sorry for not texting you back its just that I saw your tweet and it kinda caught me off guard - me

oh, you saw that?- sam🍍

I did and I just wanted you to know that I don't wanna pressure you into anything - me

I make my own decisions though so I don't see why you're feeling that way, you're not pressuring me into anything - sam🍍

Well I mean you said no at first so... - me

lol doesn't mean you pressured me that just means I realized that you're too cool of a person to let go, not to sound cheesy or anything - sam🍍

how about we just wait a while and see how things go because maybe after a few months you'll change your mind about it - me

MONTHS lmao I'm not waiting that long. I never change my mind on something I really want -sam🍍

how about a week and I'll tell you if I still feel the same even though I know I will but if that makes you happy i guess I'll do it -sam🍍

deal haha -me

You are so stubborn my god I already changed my mind-sam🍍

oh really? -me

jk hoe -sam🍍

Alright well I gotta go find my friend lol -me

Okay see ya and don't ignore my texts anymore, I hate that shit -sam🍍

We'll see -me

Don't test me I will fight you -sam🍍

uh huh I'd like to see you try -me

bet you would ;) -sam🍍


I slide my phone in my back pocket.

"Sorry I just had to text someone, but uhm I should really get going and find antonio. He's probably getting into something he's not supposed to so I gotta go." I awkwardly say as I walk backwards slowly.

"My name is tommy by the way." He added before I left.

"That's a cute name." I smiled. "I really should get going especially with those girls out to get me." I joked.

"Alright yeah, I'll see you around the hotel I guess."

"Uhh yup, definitely." I said knowing damn well I'm not even a guest at this hotel but whatever.

WANTING TO FORGET (supraman38) (itssamcollins) (Sam Collins)Where stories live. Discover now