Not my day |3|

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Chapter three: not my day

When I clean up the remaining piece of silly string I hear Allie scream "Shit, I never do anything right!" I walk in the kitchen to see a small amount of smoke over the stove.

I quickly walk over to Allie who is waving above the stove to make the smoke go away, "Allie really? what happened?!" I ask grabbing the pan that had caught fire to rinse it off in the sink.

"I may have burnt something, a little bit...maybe." She says looking down like a five year old would do if they were to get in trouble.


"I'm not the best cook in the world, okay!"

I grab a rag and hit her with it across the arm, "No, you were probably too busy on your phone to notice that something was burning."

"Hey! That's no-....well maybe it is a little true but-"

"...Just don't touch the stove again." I interrupt.

"We can go out to eat if you want." Allie suggests.

"Sure, since somebody burnt my breakfast." I say starting to walk away laughing.

"It wasn't my fault! Blame twitter for your burnt pancakes!" I hear her say as I walk upstairs to change. I shake my head and laugh at her response. I don't know how I deal with her everyday.


Allie and I decide to go to the pier for lunch then go swimming on the beach afterwards. We live in Florida, both born and raised here. I like living here sometimes but my dream is to experience cold weather and snow. Oh my god, I would absolutely love to just touch snow it's so pretty in pictures and on t.v. but I have never seen it in person. I basically never left Florida in my life to go anywhere, it's really boring sometimes but hey, it's summer everyday and I'm not complaining one bit.

We settle on just a small pizza place and eat inside, once we're finished we go to the changing rooms on the pier and change into our bathing suits.

When we get to the beach opening Allie takes off running in the sand.

"Come on hurry up!" She yells looking back still running. I don't know how she can run when she just ate four slices of pizza. But I'll find out because I soon follow her to where ever she was headed.

"Allie! Slow down!" I yell out of breath. I'm carrying two beach bags and trying to run with sun beaming in my eyes and not to mention the beach is really crowded today. I'm just bound to trip and fall on my ass.

Out of no where a football hits me in the face making me drop the bags and fall, well...on my ass. Shocker right?

Not really, I totally called it.

I sit there for a few moments thinking about what had just happened and how freakin bad it hurt.

"IM SO SORRY, ARE YOU OK?!" I hear someone say, so I look up and shield the sun with my hand to get a good look of the person.

A guy probably in his twenties is standing next to me and holding out his hand to help me up, "Thanks." I say feeling a bit light headed.

"Oh shit! You're bleeding!" He steps closer to me and looks at my forehead which is where I'm guessing I'm bleeding at. I take a step back and reply, "I'm ok, really I am, I just gotta find my friend."

He bends down and grabs both bags and even picks up the stuff that fell out and places them back. "I'll help you find her and here -", he hands me a towel - hold this on your forehead."

WANTING TO FORGET (supraman38) (itssamcollins) (Sam Collins)Where stories live. Discover now