Really, Harry. Really.

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---------------Erin's POV-----------------

‘’no, Harry. Just don’t’’ I told Harry, we couldn’t hear one more knock knock joke.

I was in the car with Hails, Lou, Harry, Zayn and Perrie. Hails was on Lou’s lap.

‘’okay, okay. Wanna hear a funny one?’’ I ask. Hailey and Perrie nod their heads, while Zayn kept his eyes on the road.

‘’okay why did Susie fall of the swing set’’ they shrugged their shoulders and Hials gave me a grin.

‘’because she had no arms, knock knock’’ I say really fast.

‘’who’’ Zayn asks.

‘’not Susie’’ Perrie and Hailey brake out laughing enjoying my joke. Lou, Harry and Zayn had horrified looks on their faces which made the joke funnier.

‘’that is horrible’’ Harry said making me laugh.

‘’ladies all across the world, listen up were looking for recruits’’. Perrie sang.

‘‘watcha singin Perrie?’’ I ask.

‘’oh that was going to go in the new album’’ she shrugged.

‘’how does it go’’ I popped my head in the front.

‘’like dis’’ she sung it and I sung it back.

‘’yeah, like that’’ she smiled.

‘’oooooh, I just got approved by Perrie from little mix, oh burn bitches’’ Hails laughed at my random ass joke.

‘’so you were working on a new alum?’’ Hailey asks.

‘’yeah, it was sounding really good’’. Hailey nodded and kissed Lou on the cheek.

‘’hold up the car in front has stopped’’. Liam came to us and looked at Lou when he spoke.

‘’guys I think you need to see this’’ He said. I jumped over Harry and out of the car. I ran up to the front and stood next to jade. There was a huge gate holding the zombies back.

‘’okay, we need to get out of here quick, before the fence breaks’’. Everyone quickly gets in the car. This time I was with Liam, Harry and Holly.

‘’we have to wait till the other cars turn’’ I nod and look behind us. They started off and Liam followed. We were quickly got out of sight but we were still a little spooked.

‘’Liam’’ I asked.

‘’yes’’ he responded.

‘’I have a theory’’. I smile.

 ‘’an what is this theory?’’ He asked.

‘’my theory is that when a girl can hook her bra up from the back, its unnatural shit and you should put it on then twist it around so that you’re wearing it properly, and was wondering if Sophie did that’’ I spoke slowly so he would understand me and Holly turned her head in amusement with a smile.

‘’she hooked I from the back’’ (A/N I have no idea if this is true or not, just a joke btw)

‘’I eah, bitches.  Got dat right’’ I sing.

‘’oh that makes sense, Brittney hooked hers from the back’’ Harry could say before thinking. He quickly closed his mouth and I turned my head slowly at him.

‘’you dirty, dirty basted’’ I whispered.

----------------Hailey’s POV----------

I was in the car with Lou, Corey, Russel and Dan the dirty basterd.

‘’so you and Dylan?’’ I ask Dan. He blushes and looks out the window.

‘’aw, you’re so cute, like a five year old’’ I pinch his cheeks and he gives me a glare.

‘’you glaring at ma sistarrrrrr (how many R’s are there) mate’’ Corcy says. The look on Dan’s face makes him laugh.

‘’Corcy, behave’’ I scold.

‘’don’t call me that’’ I smile at him and he face palms knowing he just encouraged me on.

‘’you asshole, you fucking piece of shit’’. I hear Erin scream, getting out of the car behind us and start walking. Russel stops the car for her.

‘’Corey, we’re trading’’ she pulls him out of the car and shoves him into Harry stopping him a little, but Cory just gets out of his way.

‘’Erin’’ He calls as Russel pulls away.

‘’what did he do’’ I asked.

‘’well you know my bra theory’’ she said.

‘’eah’’ they Gave us weird looks but we didn’t car.

‘’well I asked if Sophie did that, which she does, and Harry said before he could think that freaking Brittney did that’’

‘’ are you fucking kidding me’’ I ask.

‘’don’t make me snap my fingers’’ Russel says calming Erin down and making her laugh. She clapped her hands together in amusement.

‘’thanks, Russel’’ she smiles.

‘’does that mean he slept with her?’’ I ask.

‘’ don’t know, probably’’ she shrugs.

‘’Harry’s not the type to cheat’’ Lou says. We give him a fucking really face and he quiets down.

‘’eah, I’m not talking to you’’ I say and get back to Erin. ‘’ do you think he would do that?’’ I ask. I don’t think he would but he hasn’t been completely faithful all his life’’.

‘’I don’t know, do you think he would. He does have a record and we weren’t really dating then, but he did say that he liked me. But he also said that he didn’t want to be alone’’ she starts confusing herself over it.

‘’I give up’’ she whispers after a few minutes.

‘’what do you mean’’ I ask.

‘’you know me, I’m better than this. I don’t want to keep going back and forth, we’ve done this like how many times and I don’t want to add an extra. I’m stopping it before it starts’’ she smiles weakly.

‘’okay’’ Erin’s smart enough to see what’s coming, she promised herself and I that she would never get into a relationship like the ones on TV. And she has every right to stop it before she gets too tangled up. But I still can’t help but think she’s making the wrong decision. And she knows it too.

But she has to decide for herself even if it’s wrong. It doesn’t matter, it’s her decision.

I think I’m having an OCD attack on a decision, what the actual fuck. That doesn’t even make sence wait what great now I’m confused. fuck


 Harry, harry Harry. *disapprovingly shakes head*

Okay so incase you missed it; some lovely lovely beautiful amazing person has posted the 1D day seven hour live stream on YouTube. And is put into seven parts for the seven hours so you know, seven hours of your life down the drain but hey it’s worth it.

It can be found on YouTube just search 1DDay seven hour live stream and it should pop up with an almost grey background and say 1D Day seven hour live stream hour 1. Trust me you will know It when you see it.

Okay, that’s it, byzz


I can't survive 101 (1D) {Sequel to How to survive the zombie apocalypse 101}Where stories live. Discover now