new mission: phase one

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''What are you doing''? She asked, but by the smile on her face I bet she already knew.

''I I was j just'' I stutter, she's like twelve and got me stuttering. The hell Hailey .

''looking for this'' she pulled out the book I was searching for. No wonder I couldn't find it.

''Um'' I didn't know what to say, she caught me red handed. Ugh, I'm screwed.

''N no'' I pulled myself together and stood taller. If i-m going to get threw this I'm going to have to be stronger.

''No, I was looking for you, to tell you the good news'' I smile pleasingly at my lie.

''What good news'' she asked.

''What, didn't you see the cars, the noise, wait. Where were you''? I asked.

'' ugh, just tell me what's the good news'' she asked. She avoids the question but I just want to get out of this situation.

''Russell, Dylan, Dan and Jade are back, they stole two trucks and Erin and I found them'' I smile. I didn't know why I was so happy to say that. Probably because of the smile on her face.

''I can't believe they made it out alive'' she quickly ran off to go find them. She's so cute and small, I just want to pinch her cheeks and oooo mmmmyy gaaaaad, now I know how half of the population feels about me.

Well I'm going to have to wait till later to get my hands on the book. She obviously keeps it close with her and she's going to keep it closer now that she knows I'm after it.

  ------------Erin's POV-------------

"harry, don't worry about it'' I tell him. Instead of celebrating with my friends and catching up, I'm here calming down this big baby.

''I'm not saying that he's not gay I'm saying that he could like girls and boys. And if that is true I don't want him near you'' he finished.

''I'm about to bitch slap you to next week, even if he did like me, Harry. It wouldn't change a thing between us, no one could change us'' I smile and holds his hands.

''Promise'' he gives me the puppy dog face until I pinkie promise him that nothing can change between us.

''So do you want to join them again''? he asks rubbing my arm, making me warm from the cold night.

''Na, I'd rather be here with you''  I curled up to him and he wrapped an arm around me. I slowly closed my eyes. This moment was perfect.

I had some one I loved holding me, my best friends partying and chatting in the distance.

''I love you, Harry'' I say.

''I love you too, Erin'' He gently kissed My forehead, and that's why the next thing that happened took away all  hope and happy ness I had.

''There here get them'' I know that voice. The soldiers.

''Everybody run''! I screamed. I took Harry's hand and I didn't hesitate to run. I had to make sure he was safe. I felt Harry stop running.

''Harry this isn't the tine.''. I turned around and saw a soldier trying to take him away from me.

''Harry'' I screamed. I grabbed is other hand I pulled with all my might. But another soldier came up behind me and started pulling on me trying to get me away from him.

''I love you, Erin'' he yelled before we slipped apart.

''HARRY'' I screamed. I fought and fought but I had nothing over this guy.

''Please let me go, please'' I started crying, I couldn't help it. I don't want to leave Harry.

''no leave her alone'' I heard Louis scream. He was holding onto Hailey and she was crying into his arms. They tried and tried but they finally got hailey to let her go and pushed her on the floor.

''Let go of us'' I stopped fighting and let him take me away. I felt the tears fall down my face as I saw, Dylan and Dan holding onto each other. Harry still fighting to get to me, my best friend getting kicked in her chest until she screamed in pain. Cindy hiding in the bushes until a guy came and took her away.

He aimed a gun at her. ''NOOO'' I  screamed and my adrenaline kicked in. I shoved the guy back and ran toward Cindy. I got the gun off the guy and shot him with it. I grabbed her and started running. I know I'm going to regret that but it was only his leg.

I put Cindy in the car. ''Drive'' I said.

''What'' she said.

''It's you're only chance go'' she started the car up. But before this brave little twelve year left she gave me the book said thank you and drove away to saftey. Her driving skills were shit and she could hardly see but what do you expect.

A guy grabbed me and put me in the truck with all the other girls.

''We've changed arrangement, all girls in district 12, boys 13''. He said.

''But kattnis, there is no district 12'' I slapped Hailey on the back of the head.

''Where's Cindy'' Hailey asked.

''Safe'' I tell her.

I flashed her the book and her eyes went wide for a second.

''As long as we have this, we'll make it'' she nodded at me and I hid the book under my shirt.


okay i know it's kinda short cause it's only 900 and something words but oh well i'm early so yeah okay I hope you enjoy and if you got that katniss joke vote and comment and if you follow me that will be really really nice and awsome, i'll love you forever and if you turn fourty with no girlfriend/Boyfriend I'll marry you so yeah bonus.!?

okay that it. love you all byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


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