Miss Mila Kunis

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I head to class and take my usual seat next to Kelly

"Hey" she whispers

I ask for a pen and paper from Miss Heather,which she doesn't question me about.

This is why I love Miss Heather,she's so kind.She does have her favourites and she knows who's going to do the work and who's not.

She sets us a task of writing an essay about our summer break and what we got up to.Im sure Ashton will have something to say about how many girls he slept with or something like that.

Ashton's posse are sitting on the back row as usual but no Ashton,thank goodness.

I'm sure his bleeding nose is ruining his complexion.

"What happened to you?" Kelly asks me

"I'll explain at break time" I tell her

"Sure" She whispers

English is my favourite lesson,I am pulled out of my train of thoughts when my head teacher enters the class.The noise of the class silences and everyone puts down there pens to look at Mr Walters

"Good morning Miss Heather" He says with a stern face

"Morning Mr Walters" She replies

"Can I speak to Miss Mila Kunis please" He asks

My eyes flash up as he says my name,my heart begins to pound

"Sure" She says

I slowly get up from my seat as I hear sniggers come from the back row.

I follow Mr Walters out of the class

"Mila would you happen to know what happened to Mr Kutcher this morning?" He asks raising his eyebrows as we walk towards his office.

Damn in trouble on your first day,well done Mila

"Well ..yes sir ..I Erm...yeah I do" I stutter

"I see" He nods looking down at the floor as we enter his office

My eyes widen as I lay my eyes on Ashton


"Please take a seat Mila" Mr Walters huff as he takes a seat it his desk

Ashton scoffs as I slump in the chair.

"So what have you fools been up to this morning?" Mr Walters asks

I look over at Ashton before we both speak at the same time and explain the situation.

"Woah woah woah,slow down" Mr Walters demands

"Both of you stop talking" Mr Walters instructs

I huff for being so rudely interrupted and fold my arms leaning further back into the chair.

I bet you are wondering why I have such an attitude.I do apologise that's my mother coming out in my personality.No matter what anyone throws at me I've always been told stand up for yourself.

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