Feeling like a fool

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"I'm not,I'm just letting you know that's a large tip" He tells me

"It's okay have it" I say

"Thanks" He replies shoving it in his back pocket.

"There a party at Seth's later if you wanna come?" He offers

"No I don't think I should" I reply

"Come on Mila,lighten up for once" He begs

"Why just so you can take the mickey out of me in front of everyone?" I fire

"Oh well suit yourself,it starts at 10pm" He informs me before storming off

I slam the door and take my pizza and watch several episodes of vampire diaries.

It's 11pm and I'm actually considering going to the party.I suppose a few drinks won't hurt and college doesn't start till 1pm tomorrow so it should be okay I guess.If they start on me I will just brush them off like every other time.I wonder is Kelly will be there?

I lift my lazy body up and dispose of the empty pizza box.

I head upstairs and trail through my wardrobe for clothes to wear.God why do I want to impress these people anyway.

I grab a black top and a patterned skirt.I don't usually wear skirts but for one night I am and I don't care what they think of me.I straighten my hair and add a thin layer of foundation and my usual basic makeup.I pull a box from the bottom of my cupboard and slip on a pink pair of heels.Several sprays of perfume and I'm ready to go.

I leave a note to my mum tell her where I've gone and stuck it to the fridge

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I leave a note to my mum tell her where I've gone and stuck it to the fridge.

Seth's house is just down the road from mine so I decide to walk.Its pretty dark at this time of night but I don't mind.

I hear a car pull up next to me and a hooter beep.My eyes flash around and I can't see who's in the red truck.

"A lady like you shouldn't be out this late at night" A husky voice says to me

"My house isn't far from here so I'm just going out" I inform them

Soon the truck stops right outside my house.

I begin to speed walk down the road and plan how I would defend myself from the two men in the car.I know it sounds stupid but you never know what could happen.Damm trust me to wear heels I can't even run in.I knew they were a bad idea,that's why I always wear converse.

I look back to see the truck still sitting outside my house.I continue to hastily walk until I reach Seth's front door.There are flashing lights from the two top windows and the music is booming.

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