Pain in my chest

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So after a long 6 weeks holiday spending time with Ashton I don't want to go back to college.Its such a drag,that's the worst thing having time off college and the realisation sets in that you have to go back in soon.

23rd of January,Ashton didn't pick me up for college today.

I ended up managing to get to college just in the nick of time.Great Mila first day back at college after Christmas break and I'm almost late.

I messaged him and called several times,no answer.

I've spent my hole day looking for Ashton.

Ashton didn't turn up to college today.I texted him again at lunch time,still no reply.I went round his house after college and nobody answered the door to me.

I didn't bother to wait for Ashton to pick me up the next morning.I just made my own way to school.

Ashton hasn't turned up to college for a whole week now,by Thursday I gave up looking for him.I just hope he is ok.

Monday 30th January

I haven't seen Ashton in a hole week,he didn't even text me to meet up with him the weekend.Something must be wrong.We text each other every day and night and I've had nothing.

                                      ASHTONS POV

Who knew I'd become to attached to one person,especially when this only started out as a bet.

Okay please don't hate me,my friends dared me if I could date Mila and now I am I can't help but like her.

I'm going to have to tell her,I will have to break up with her soon.This isn't fair on either of us.If I break up with her then I lose the bet but I don't care.I can't let her find out about this,it'll crush her.

Who knew I'd fall in love with her,in love with her so much I'm going to have to let her go.I care about her feelings and I can't watch her upset if she finds out.She's goings to think everything I have ever said to her is a lie,even though it's not.

Every word I have said to her is true and I do love her.

I've spent this whole week off trying to figure out how I am going to tell her.Damn this is harder than I thought.

I want to date her I really do but she's not going to want me after this.

Ashton's screwed it up again

F*** man

I need this week off to clear my head,thought it was easier to tell the school I had a stomach bug.

My stomach turns upside down as I get ready for college today,I have to face her sooner than later.

I'm selfish though I want to keep her for longer,she's become part of me now.I don't want to let her go,I'm afraid if I tell her the truth she'll never trust me again and I'll never get her back.

She has texted me many times and I can't bring myself to call her text her,no matter how much I want to.

It's easier to ignore her than face my problems,which is what I always do

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