Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The next morning I am woken up by the sound of someone slamming my door open.

“Wake up sleepy head,” the voice says.

“Mph,” I reply back while stuffing my head under my pillow.

            The person then runs and jumps on my bed, removing the pillow from my face.

“Come on Jess, don’t be so lazy.”

            It was Blake.

“Blake go away,” I say while trying to shove him off my bed.”

            He responds by ripping off my covers, grabbing me by the ankles, and pulling me out of the bed.

“Hey!” I yelled.

“I said wake up,” he says with a smile on his face.

“Why are you so happy this morning?”

“I have absolutely no idea,” he says excitedly.

“Whatever,” I reply.

            I stand up and stretch out.  I walk over to my bathroom, brush my hair, and throw it up in a pony tail.  When I walk back out to my bedroom, all four boys are in my room.  Landon and Blake are leaning against the far wall, Kyle is sitting at my desk, and Nate is lying on my bed. 

“What are you all doing in here,” I ask.

“Waiting for you,” replies Blake.

“Why…” I ask curiously.

“Nate has something he would like to say.  Wouldn’t you Nate?” says Landon.

“No, actually I wouldn’t.”

            Landon glares at Nate and they have a stare down.  I can tell that Landon wins because Nate turns away from Landon and looks at me.

“I’m sorry,” he says quietly.

“I didn’t catch that,” I say.

“I’m sorry alright?!” he spits.

“For what exactly?  For being a complete ass?” I say accusingly.


“Whatever Nate, can you guys leave please, I have stuff to do,” I say while motioning to the door.

“Sure,” they reply in unison.

            Everyone leaves but Nate.

“Why are you still here?” I ask.


            Just the way he says my name gives me shivers down my spine.  I mentally slap myself again for getting those shivers.

“Nate…” I reply mocking his tone.

“I really am sorry for being such an ass.”

            This I was not expecting.

“I don’t know why I am so mean to you, I just am.  Something about you just brings out the worst in me.”

“Ummm… okay?”

“Just forget it,” he says while getting up and walking towards the door.

            I move in front of him and put my hand up to stop him.

“I accept your apology,” I say.


            He looks down at my hand that is still touching his chest and smirks.  I quickly remove my hand and turn away so he can’t see me blushing.  He comes up behind me and spins me around so that I’m looking him in the eye.

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