Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Three hours later, I am showered, dressed, and ready to go.  For my clothes I decided on a pair of skinny jeans that hugged my curves and my butt flawlessly, and a tight top and scooped down to show some cleavage.  I decided to stay simple with my shoes and go with a pair of combat boots.  Makeup wise, I put on some liquid eye liner on the top and pencil eye liner on the bottom to make my brown eyes pop, mascara, foundation, blush, and some subtle lip gloss.  Looking in the mirror, I looked pretty damn good.

            I walk down into the living room to see the boys waiting.  Their jaws drop when they see me.

“What?  Too much?” I ask.

“No… you look hot,” replies Landon with a wink.

            I smile back and we all head out to the car.  Landon is nominated the designated driver so he gets behind the wheel.  Since the front seat is covered with newspapers, for reasons I don’t know, Blake, Nate, and I had to squish in the back together.  Kyle had to stay home since he is way too young to be going with us

            Nate leans over and whispers seductively in my ear

“You do look really pretty Jess.”

            I get a shock of electricity that runs up my spine followed by shivers.

“Thanks,” I manage to choke out.

            I turn my face away so he doesn’t see me blush; I didn’t want to give his ego and even bigger nudge.

            Fifteen minutes later we arrive at the house.  The house is a fairly decent sized house, it is only one story, but it stretches out pretty far.  From what I can see the whole house has been surrounded by tiki torches and there are already people drunk out on the Yeahrd.  I unintentionally start stroking my scar, but instantly stop when I realize what I am doing.

“You okay?” asks Blake with a concerned look on his face.

“Yep, I’m good,” I smile back.

            He gives me a nod and steps out of the car, offering me his hand.  I take it gratefully and we walk into the house.

            When we step inside I am overwhelmed by the smell of alcohol and weed.  Before we go any further I grab Nate by his shirt and pull him over. 

“Remember your promise,” I whisper into his ear.

            He nods at me in return and stalks off into the house.  I decide to walk around since all three boys ditched me.  I walk from room looking for something to do until I find the dance floor. 

The song Party Rock Anthem is blasting through the speakers and I can’t help but jump out to the floor and start dancing.  I move my hips back and forth to the music and throw my hands up, letting everything go.  I can feel guys grinding up against me but I don’t care all I care about is letting loose.  A very attractive guy spins me around and we start dancing together, moving in perfect sync.  His hands are on my waist while we move back and forward to the music.

            Out of the corner of my eye I think I see Nate staring at me dancing.  When I look over, he is gone.  “I must have imagined it,” I think to myself then keep dancing.

            Time flies when you’re having fun because the next thing I know its time to go.

“Damn Jess, you were totally rocking it on the dance floor tonight,” says Blake.

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