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"That was fun right?" Yugyeom asked as we walked out of the subway, I nodded. The fresh cold night air hit our faces while we made our way through the crowd.

"Thank you. I still wonder how you know where I live though." I said and he laughed.

"Because I live here too." He said pointing to my building.I looked up and saw the white building. I couldn't believe I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings since I was mainly focusing in Yugyeom's lips moving every time he spoke.

"Are you serious?" I asked and he nodded with a wide smile. We went inside and pressed the elevator button. We remained silent for a couple of seconds until I took the courage to speak.

"Do they leave you behind often?" I asked. I noticed he was moving his legs while his hands were on his pockets. He looked surprised with my question.

"No. But Jaebum hyung is strict with schedules and times. If some of us are not there in time he would take actions." He said and I sighed loudly.

"It's fine. It's discipline... He's the leader, it's his work." He said letting me go first into the elevator and then walking behind me. He pressed a button and then looked at me as if he was asking me what floor was mine. 

"Oh 9th floor." I said and he pressed the number 9. I noticed the number 5 also enlightened in red on top of us.

"We live in the 5th." He said once he realized my eyes were glued to the keyboard. I nodded.

We remained silent for a couple of seconds until the beep of the elevator made us jump. I looked up and saw the number 5 enlightened and then turn to look at him but he didn't move.

"This is you." He had his hands on his pockets and he nodded when he heard my words but  immediately looked down.

"I thought about walk you to your door." He said with a tender smile. I felt my cheeks burning and my ears on fire.

What is happening?

"Thanks."Just when the door was about to close, we saw a savage Jaebum appearing in front of us. He stopped the doors from closing with his hands and the doors backed up, letting him going inside with us.

"Where were you?" He asked to Yugyeom in Korean but looking at me with tense eyes.

"We returned on the subway-

"You could have just take a cab, it's faster." Jaebum said in Korean. I felt my legs going weak as I turned to look at Yugyeom. He looked ashamed, his eyes were glued to the ground.

He insisted on taking the subway, why? If we could arrive faster in a cab. I looked away and finally the doors opened on my floor. I still didn't understand what was Jaebum doing in the elevator with us but I didn't want to know, I stepped outside and turned around to look at them.

"Thanks for bringing me back home Yugyeom." I said bowing a bit and turned around without saying anything else and walked to my door. I could tell by Jaebum's look that he was annoyed by my behavior but I couldn't care less. I quickly entered my password and the door opened. I stepped inside and went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

My head was aching.

Jaebum really knows how to get into my nerves. He has humiliated Yugyeom in front of me so many times that I even lost the count. 

"I won't let this happen ever again." I found myself mumbling.

I was determined that next time he'd try something like that, he'll find me and he won't like it.

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