t h i r t y e i g h t

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Saturday was finally here and I was really nervous just thinking about seeing JB in a couple of minutes. I had asked to go on a date with him and I accepted, of course I wanted but I was afraid this decision would hurt Yugyeom. I was strong feeling towards JB and I needed to know what they were, I thought the date was the best situation to find out.

I checked myself in the mirror once more to see if everything was in its place. I chose to wear a black sweater with washed jeans, black ankle boots and a leather jacket. I let my hair on its natural waves and applied some mascara and red lipstick. I'm pretty sure this is not my usual looks but I wanted to look cool for JB.

I heard some knocks on my door and I ran to open it. I saw JB standing in front of him with his jaw dropped, probably because our outfits were pretty similar, the difference is that he was wearing a beige sweater and combat boots, the rest was pretty much the same. I giggled at the view.

"You look beautiful." That smile is so cute, I am pretty sure I can stare at it for hours.

"Thanks, you too." I felt my cheeks blushing when he flashed a smile, he's so sure of himself. I love that kind of people.

I have extended his arm for me to take it, so I did. I closed the door and we did our way to the elevator. He's constantly turned around to look at me and made me feel a bit nervous and uneasy. Knowing that I have felt attracted by me is something I have not yet accepted yet. It's so strange for me to acknowledge it.

We walked to the parking lot and looked at his car. I have opened the door for me and I stepped inside. I looked around the car to see if I could find a hint of where we were going but there was nothing, I soon opened the driver's door and hopped in. He looked at me and smiled widely.

"Are you ready?" Of course I was not, I was more nervous than any other thing. I do not know how JB is and what his concept of a date is. I'm pretty sure I'll be impressed judging by the look of his face.

"What are your expectations for this date?" His eyes were on the road. I moved on my spot and swallowed hard. What are my expectations?

"I do not know, can I get a clue?" "The only thing I can tell you is that we're going to watch the sunset together." His words merged with my memories and immediately remembered the first sunrise that we saw together, it was that time we got stuck on the boat and now He wants to give me a sunset I would never have thought this about JB but I must admit that it amazes me and excites me at the same time.

A deep red blush took over my cheeks as I giggled internally. He looked pretty excited about our date and secretly I was too. "Do you like this?" He asked raising the volume on the radio.

Bang Bang started playing and I opened my eyes widely as I turned to look at him. "Are you kidding? Is one of my favorite songs!" I exclaimed as I started dancing on my seat. He chuckled and started singing.

I was trying to recreate the choreography while being sat, it was difficult but he found it funny when he laughed the whole song. After a few minutes more we arrived what seemed to be a heliport. A wave or nervousness filled my body as I noticed JB opening my car's door. I didn't even notice when he stepped outside the car.

I notice a helicopter parked a few meters from JB's car. He looked at me and smirked as he extended his hand to me. "Let's go." He said with a sweet voice. I grabbed his hand and slowly stepped outside the car. I looked around and saw some people waiting for us outside the helicopter.

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