Chapter 5

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3 Months later...

Mason's POV

Its all of us again together that never happens. Yabdiel keeps staring at me like as if he was angry. We are just walking down the street and found out Patricia got Axel pregnant. As we walk Yabdiel comes up to me and tells me to stay away from Alexus. I whisper in his ear "shut the fuck up you aint even dating her". Yabdiel tells me you arnt either. I tell him again Alexus is mine you understand? Yabdiel gets in my face and shoves me back, i move forward and punch him right in the stomach. He backs up then punches me in the face and it hurt like hell. I back up and get even angrier and walk up to him grabing him by the shirt throwing him on the ground. He gets up and punches me in the stomach. I dont move i feel as if i can do anything.
Adrenaline fills my body as i swing and hit Yabdiel right in the face throwing him down. He got knocked out but then woke up and walked away and we didnt see him the rest of the day.

Alexus's POV

I cant believe what i just saw Mason just knocked out Yabdiel. I still dont know why the fought but i kinda felt bad for yabdiel since he wasnt the strongest nor was he the most athletic guy. I go up to Mason and asked him why that happened. He tells me because he was trying to steal my future girl.
I look down blushing, not saying anything. When i final got home i layed down on my bed looking at the roof and remembered what Mason said. Does he really like me like that? All of these thought messed with my mind. Im to tired for this ill think more about this in the morning.

Yabdiel's POV

I can't believe i just lost a fight in front of Alexus. She was all i wanted why did it have to be this way? I came home bruised with a scar on my face. Alexus isn't the only girl out there i should focus on other things. I can't, i just can't i don't know why. I have a plan Alexus isnt dating anyone so if i ask her first i might be able to get her. Will it work i don't know until i try. Hopefully i can get something out of this then just a beating. Ill think more about this in the morning.

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