Chapter 19

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Angels POV

I drive as fast as i can to the hospital. Why didn't anybody tell me till now. After 10 minutes i park out front and head in. I go to the front desk and ask which room is mason in. She tells the directions and i head that way. I walk and see Gracie and Alexus standing there each holding one of his hands. I ask what happened to him and gracie trys to put the pieces of the puzzle together to give me a good explanation. I take my hat off and put it against my chest. I close my eyes and pray to god that mason doesn't die. The only thing keeping him alive is the machine. The doctors say that after a week they are gonna take him off.

A week passes by...

Gracies POV

So mason isn't going to wake up after all? The doctor said he told me the first day. I say "well yeah but i still had hope". The doctor says 30 more minutes as me, angel and alexus all stand around him. Alexus leaves the room crying. Angel leaves too. As i start heading out i hear someone ones voice. The voice is dry and raspy. It starts to say, "w...whe...where a..m I"?
I cover my mouth in shock and yell for a doctor. He walks in and his jaw drops. He says this has never happened before. He calls in a nurse and both of them start taking his heart beat and stuff. I see if alexus and angel are there. They are both sitting apart from each other. I tell both of them what happened and they both run in, but the doctor tells them to wait. After another 30 minutes he tells us thats we can come in. I sit down and think if this is real life.

Alexus's POV

I rush into the room, after angel and wonder what im doing here. I walk out and leave the building. I realise that i don't want mason to see me like this. I look around and see isaac waiting in the car blasting music. I get in and he starts to say a bunch of stuff. I lean in and kiss him. He stops talking for the rest of the ride. I get out and walk to my front door. I open it and walk in and take a seat on my bed. I get a text from isaac saying i love you. I say i love you too and put my phone down. I lay my head on my pillow and go to sleep.

Masons POV

I final open my eyes and as i do everything hits me in a flash. I feel pain around my neck and its hard dor me to breathe. Im hungry and tired. Ask the doctor where i am. He trys to tell me something but i can't hear anything. My vision start to clear up a little and i see what i think is a girl, and then realise its gracie. I see another person and see its angel. All i think about is whh arnt i in a coffen, 6 feet underground. I will just have to try again next time. Angel grabs me by my shoulder and i yell out in pain. He lets go and tells me not to try some dumb shit like that again. Not thinking i just start say that i need some rope. I try to stay awake but i start to feel dizzy and nausea. I see the darkness and let it consume me again. Im my darkness i start to see memories of the time i shared with alexus. I try my best to run away but my legs dont. I look away but my head don't. Im trying my best to move on but everytime i forget i see something that reminds me of her. I lay there in darkness.

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