Chapter 10

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Axels POV

Damn im pregnant. And its a fucking boy. Patricia doesn't even want to take care of it. I guess its only gonna have 1 parents. That sucks for it and me because i have to take care of it bye myself, like what kinda bullshit is this. This i useless. I hear a knock on the door and its Patricia. She looks happy, i think to myself why the fuck are you so happy? We are having a kid that i have to take care of. Man fuck this shit, I straight up slammed the door close.

Yabdiel's POV

Man this shit pathetic. I still think about Alexus i don't even know why. She just a dumb pathetic stupid slut. Man fuck her like Mason did she is so stupid. Ugh, why im I still thinking about her. I should think about something else like, Axel because he is gonna need help with that baby. Alexus is a slut, Alexus is a slut, Alexus is a slut. That's all im think of. Im so pathetic still thinks about some slut that i "used to like". Please someone help me im just a pathetic person. Whatever. I might  as well do something, i reach out and grab my hand lotion of you know what i mean.

Miguel's POV

Old mcdonalds had a farm.

Mason's POV

Alexus, Why the fuck is there dog in my house. Because its mine what else would it be. I grab the dog open my front door and launcg the dog as far as i can throw. I hear the thud and its cry, I close the door and sit back down. Alexus comes in and askes where the dog is. I tell her it ran away.
I grab my stuff and me and Alexus head out. As we drive she looks to the side and askes is that the dog? I immediately hit the gas and we get outta there as fast as i can make the car go. We start to have a conversation about some guy named Isaac. She tells me he is funny and that he is kinda tall. I tell her if she likes him and she said kinda. I hit the brakes and look her straight in the eye and tell her, Well you have to stop liking him because your with me. She nods and I continue driving. We have dinner and head home.
We get home and Alexus gets all sad because the dogs not there no more. I tell her let it go its somewhere better now. She looks at me and smiles. I tell her, well we better get some sleep man because its pretty late, she says ok. We get ready for bed and then go to sleep.

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