Chapter 21

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Isaacs POV

I wake up and look around all confused, but then i see alexus laying next to me so i jump up all confused. I stand there and i check to see if she is naked. As i lift up the cover i see she is not wereing anything, so i cover her back up saying, "WOAH, she is naked... wait she naked." I take of the coverd and just look at her saying "hell yeah", throwing my hand up in excitement. I look at her body from the tips of her toe to the top of her head. I rub my hands together with a grin on my face-but then jump back seeing alexus moving around.

Masons POV

At least i don't have to go to my therapist anymore, he said i was fine for now and should check in every once and a while. Walking down the street, i think about all that has happened and shake my head thinking "i didn't lose my girlfriend, i just realised i never had one".  Thinking about that shit i look up and say "damn", well if something happens it happens for a reason right god, i say as i look up. I smirk and walk again looking at the ground but looking up to see where im going. I start to hum and sing some songs as i am thinking about what to do in my life to move forward. Damn life is hard but was it ever easy to begin with? Why do i feel this way? I've never felt this way before? It is as if i feel free but still chained to what the world thinks of me. I remember that i have to my sister party. I walk home take a shower and change into some cloths. After i walk out and head for the party. I walk in and see if not everyone dancing. I dance and feel good, but my eyes look around and i see someone that i recognize. I stop dancing and look at her for a split second and see alexus. I keep dancing trying to ignore her. I have some success bur she starts hugging all of my friend and saying hi when im trying to talk to them. I sit down and chug down some wine. My stomach start to feel it before i do but i keep drinking. After a while i stop and realise I've had about three bottles. I face palm and realise im going to feel that tomorrow. I take a seat and after a while i start to feel it kicking in. I feel my body get hot and i realise that somebody roofied my drink. I fight be the urges and take another seat. I pant as i start to sweat, but i fight. Lay down singing a song out loud but nobody can hear me over the music.  I look up and see alexus is gone. I lay back down and realise some time whent by. I don't even know who to trust anymore. It seems everyone that i care about or put my trust into fucks me over in the end. I know i still have some real friends, the other i just call them "friends". I get up and leave swaying side to side barley staying on my feet. I walk and as i see my house pop up in the distance, i fall over and try to keep my eyes open and try to move but nothing works. I close my eyes and pass out. I wake up in a hospital and doctors and nurse rush in. They start asking me all these questions and i answer them as best as i can. All of them leave and leave me here, alone. After a while a doctor comes in and tells me that i have had a stress indused stroke. I look at them in awe and lay back down. I close me eyes and fall asleep.

2 days later...

Masons POV still

I wake up and a doctor tells me its been 2 days. I look around and see gracie and Angel standing there. I ask why are they always here? They both respond differently. I lay there think about random shit. Gracie grabs my arms and asks if im ok. I look at her in the eyes felling a connection almost instantly, and tell her im fine. She says ok and lets go. Angel and Gracie both start heading out but i grab her arm. She looks at me and i tell her "don't leave yet", i say while pulling her in closer and...

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