Mason thinks life isn't hard that nothing bad can happen but over period of time mason start to face harder challenges and learns that the only way to learn is from mistakes but will that keep him going? Read to find out
I've been noticing that alexus hasn't been wanting to talk to me. Every time i try to talk to her she just ignores me and walks away. Maybe shes losing feeling with or something, im just praying to god thatd not the case. She had been hanging out with isaac more. Please god don't let this happen to me.
Isaac's POV
Oh hey whats up alexus, shouldn't you be with mason."No he doesn't want to talk". "Oh, do you want me to talk to him for you?"."NO NO NO don't". Ok is the last thing i say as i start to walk away before she grabs my arm and says,"me and mason are broken up". I look at her and i start to realise that i have feeling for her. She says "I.... I like you isaac". I look at her in shock and run as fsr as i can get. I stop and think about what alexus just said. Are mason and alexus really broken up? Damn that sucks for mason not me im about to laid, FUCK YES.
Alexus's POV
What if isaac asks mason if we are broken up, then i would be screwed. I still like mason like a little bit but i like isaac more. What am i supposed to tell mason? Maybe i can get gracie to tell him for me. "GRACIE", "yeah?" "Can you tell mason that... that i like isaac and that im breaking up with him.", "Really?", "Ummm... yeah". "Ok" ill be right back.
Gracie's POV
"Where is mason" i ask alexus. " i dont know just go find him", "ok". I run down the halls and stop after 5 seconds because im out of shape. I see him down the hall and as i approach, he looks at me and walks toward me so i just stand still and let him come to me. I tell him what i was supposed to say and he falls on his knees and starts to cry. I try to comfort him put he just start punching the floor. I leave him alone and go back to alexus and told her that i told mason. She says good and walks away. I just stand there and watch her walk away. I start to feel bad for mason and go back to find him. I see him in the dirt ripping out dirt with his hands all bloody. I walk him to the restroom and tell him to go wash his hands. I wait for him and tell him everything is going to be ok. He grabs my shoulders and looks me in the eyes with tears pouring down his face and says, "wh..hy". I just about am about to cry for him but then he walks away fiercely. I don't follow him because he needs some alone time.
Mason's POV
What the fuck man i spended all my time with her and she just throws me away like im garage. I need tell Angel about this because he is the only one that knows how this feels. I call angel and tell him im going to his house. I hang up get in my car and head for his house. I start to tell him everything that just happened. He listens eyes wide open and starts telling me something, "aye fool its gonna be alright just forget about her and you'll forget about her faster", "you have your ways to deal with stuff and j have mine", "ok, ok chill im just saying". I tell him "Why?"
Angel's POV
"Damn mason i would cry too". "I swear im gonna beat that niggas ass, he tried to take my girl to one time but i stopped that shit he tried to take gracie from joshua too". I feel bad for him. "Mason if you believe in something very strongly, don't give up and fight for what you think is right", "Damn angel what the fuck are you a poet, cuz that shit was inspiring", "Im just say what someone once told me". I watch mason walk out the front door and start to think of what to do next cuz im not letting that shit slide, thats the last time isaac will try taking someone else's girl.
Mason's POV
I try to talk to alexus via messaging but she just keeps shutting me down. I ask for another chance but she says she doesnt want to be in a relationship right now. I cry and start thinking to myself why isaac why, what does he have that i dont. Why isaac WHY ISAAC, GOD i yell at the top of my lungs as i slam my bith hands on the floor punching the ground untill i bleed. I yell again and start to cry again saying why isaac. I lay in my bed and start thinking about Alexus because she is the only i care about in this world but she doesn't feel the same way. Please god please don't this to me, after all thats happened IN MY FUCKING LIFE YOU MAKE THIS HAPPEN TO? DO YOU HATE ME? i stop yelling and go back to crying god if you help this one time i wont ask you for another favor in a long time just please this one time pal. I start to punch my door leaving a hole in it:
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She broke up with me for isaac? I start crying even more than i did before and yell into my pillow. I lay there and start to fall asleep thinking why isaac?
All of this is a true story that happened recently and i dont know what to do next.