Chapter 23

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OK, disclaimer there is some sexual context so keep reading if you want im, not stoping you.

Gracies POV

I wake up and open my eyes to see my arms wrapped around Masons body. I lay their not wanting to wake him up, so i start to try to unwrap my arms, and start to blush thinking about how embarrassing it would for him to see me like this. As my arms are almost unwrapped he grabs my hand, interlocks fingers and says, "were are you going?" I lay there speech less trying not to make a sound. He turns to face me and we look into eachothers eyes. I look away blushing and try not to make eye contact. He grabs my face, and looks back into my eyes. I try to fight the urge, closing my eyes but then i feel something against my lips. I open my eyes and see mason kissing me. I close my eyes and kiss him back. Mason pulls away trying to catch his breathe. I suddenly feel masons hands start moving up my body. I look at his eyes and see the lust in them.

Masons POV

I move my hands up to gracies breasts and start the play with them. I hear gracie let out a soft moan and i say, "i just get so turned on knowing that i madr you moan." I start to place kisses down her neck then down her jaw. Hearing more of gracies moans. " i just can't take it anymore, i say as i pull in gracie closer and rub my body against hers. I hear her moans getting louder, and it starts driving me crazy. I start to pull gracies pantys down and throw them across the room. I plant kisses on gracies lips, while rubbing her body. I pull away and take off my shorts and boxers. I turn my head to see where to throw my cloths and feel someone grab my penis. I feel Gracie start stroking my penis. I groan in pleasure, dropping my cloths, whilr closing my eyes. I feel stop for moment and see gracies heading dipping down. I feel her teasing me with tongue and I let out another groan. I feel he lips wrap around the head of my penis and start moving up and down my shaft, while i feel her sucking. I groan again in pleasure and grab her head and move her mouth up and down my penis. She pulls away and tells me, "I just want that big dick inside me." Oh, those are the most beautiful pair of words i have ever heard, i think to myself. Just as im about to reach for a condom, gracie grabs me and looks at me, giving me a signal i don't ignore. She postions herself, and i postion myself. I rub the head of my penis teasing her,but hearing her soft moans drives me crazy so i start shoving more in. She opens her mouth and lets out loader moans. The tightness of her pussy, lets me know shes a virgin. I start to pull out slowly then go back in. I thrust slowly, but start to speed up over a period of 3 minutes. I start to thrust faster, just to hear those moans, which fuels my body to go faster. I keep thrusting, in and out and in and out, faster and faster, hearing her moans get louder. I hear the loudest moan letting me know she just climaxed. I pull out and feel my orgasm building up. Gracie ups her mouth ready to take the load thats about to come from my penis. I jerk untill i cum in her mouth over and over. I look at her face which is covered in cum, but most of it is her mouth. I see her swallow and walk into the bathroom to wash her face. I clean up my dick and get some clean cloths. Gracie comes out of the bathroom and i look at her body look at her tits then her ass but look away as i only have my shirt on. She looks at my penis and winks at me, before i put on my boxer and pants, while blushing. I watch her get dressed and look at my phone to look at the time and see its 12:00 pm. I lead gracie into my living room and leading her out the door, and i walk out following her, look the door and open the car door for gracie. I close it behind her and get in the drives seat. I look at the address for isaacs house and put the car into drive and head for isaacs house.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and isaac im not you slave.

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