•2• Meif 'wa

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A/N: The title is pronounced "Mei fwa" from Minecraft diaries by Aphmau. If anyone's ever seen her videos you'll know. A Meif 'wa is a cat person.
We ended up staying at the Phantomhives for a week to solve the case. It wasn't a big case, so we could solve the case quickly. "Y/N, could you go get Sebastian please, we need to talk" Aurora was behind you. "Yes master" you bowed and left.

Sebastian was in the garden picking flowers. "Sebastian, my master would like to see you" I told him. He stood up with a black rose in his hand. "For you mi'lady" he gives you the rose. "Thank you, it's lovely" You stare at the rose not realizing Sebastian already left. I must get back to work then. Once you walk in your master Aurora is standing there. "Y/N, Ciel needs to talk to you and Sebastian in his office" Aurora says. "Yes master" you bow and leave for Ciels office.

You knock on the door. "Come in" you hear a voice from inside. You open the door to see Sebastian and Ciel. Ciel talked about the case and other boring stuff we already knew. We left his office.

"I see you still have the rose in your hands" Sebastian said. I look down realizing I was holding the Rose the whole time. "I forgot I had it in my hand" I smile.

Night came and my master fell asleep. I headed for my room and put the flower on the table beside the bed. I look at the clock. It midnight! Wait, what day is it! Oh no! Pain fills your body (Yes your still a demon deal with it) black cat ears form from your head and you grow a black silky tail from the butt. (Deal with it). Your a Meif 'wa. A half demon half Meif 'wa.

I'm guessing Sebastian heard the pain from me because seconds later he burst in my room looking worried. Then his eyes went big as he seen my Meif 'wa form. "Sebastian I know your master is allergic to cats and-"

Sebastian then pounces on you, and he starts petting your head. What's he doing? Does he like cats? "I'm sorry Y/N I couldn't control myself there, I love cats. My most precious thing in the world are cats!" Sebastian gets off you. "It's alright, just I thought you would hate me because I'm half and half" you look toward the ground. "You look much cuter than you already did. Now your 10 times cuter!" He pets you head and leaves closing the door. He thinks I'm cute? I feel something I've never felt before. Maybe I like him? Maybe he likes me...

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