•3• The Queens Spider

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Last night, I can't stop thinking about what happened. He seen my Mei'fwa form. If your a mixed demon or person, your the lowest of the low. My father was a demon and my mother was a Mei'fwa and they made me. Usually at midnight I will transform into my Mei'fwa form. I didn't think Sebastian would see me.

I put on my maid outfit and put my hair in a ponytail. (If you have short hair you just left your hair down). I went to your masters room and woke her up. "Here is your tea master" I gave her the tea. "Earl grey tea?" Aurora asked. "Yes master" I said. I dressed her and did her hair. I left her room and went towards the kitchen.

As I walked out of her room I seen Sebastian walking my way. I walked the other way towards the kitchen. He continued going my way. Maybe he's just going to the kitchen to make his master something. I entered the kitchen and put the dishes in the sink. Sebastian went in the kitchen as well. He was just making his master another tea.

As I was washing the dishes Sebastian came up from behind me and put the used tea cup in the sink. He was pushing his body against mine. I could feel my face turn red. Something I forgot was that whenever I'm extremely nervous or embarrassed, my Mei'fwa form comes out. (Also if I'm extremely mad or angry) He was pushing his body against mine, that caused a lot of nervousness to come out. My ears and tail started growing out, I could feel it. I was now super embarrassed and nervous. "Is my kitten embarrassed?" Sebastian smirked and pushed his body against mine more.

He started petting my head and my ears. It felt so good I tried so hard not to purr. He backed up and started touching my tail. I couldn't hold it and I started purring. Sebastian liked when I purred because he wouldn't stop petting me. I went cat mode and tackled Sebastian down and laid on his lap as he was still petting me. Realization came to me, what am I doing?! I stood up and ran out of the kitchen without saying another word.

~5 hours later~

I didn't want to see Sebastian, I was to embarrassed to even look at him. I was cleaning the library as Ciel walked in. "Y/N, we were invited to go to a ball at the Trancy manor. We are leaving for the ball in 2 hours from now. I expect you and Aurora to be ready" With that he left the library. Once I finished cleaning the library I went to my masters room.

"Master, I was informed that we will be leaving for a ball soon" I told Aurora. "Alright this will be the dress I'll be wearing" she put a blue dress on the bed. I dressed my master and did her hair. "You look beautiful my lord" I told Aurora. "Thank you Y/N" Aurora said. I went to my room and put on a F/C (favourite colour) dress and did my hair.

(Like the one in the picture)

If you have short hair you did this

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If you have short hair you did this

I left my room and walked beside my master

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I left my room and walked beside my master. As I walked down the stairs Ciel and Sebastian were already there. When Sebastian seen me I could see a blush form on his face. He looked so cute.

Sebastians POV:
I waited with my master for only about 3 minutes before Aurora and Y/N walked down the stairs. Y/N looked so beautiful in that dress. She would look so cute in her Mei'fwa form though. That other butler better not touch her.

Y/N's POV:
Sebastian helped me in the carriage. I sat beside my master and Sebastian sat across from me.

We arrived at the Trancy manor, I seen a butler with glasses. Before Sebastian could help me out the other butler beat him to it. I could see that Sebastian didn't like that other butler very much.

We entered the manor and a blonde boy with blue eyes walked up to us "Hello Ciel Phantom- who's this?" He looked at my master. "This is Aurora Red, she's working on a case with me" Ciel said. "Nice to meet you Aurora, I am Alois Trancy, the head of this manor and this is my butler, Claude" Alois said. So the butlers name is Claude.

Music started playing, Ciel danced with Aurora. Me, Sebastian, and Claude didn't have a partner. Once again before Sebastian could ask me to dance Claude beat him to it. "Would you care to dance Milady?" Claude held his hand out to me. "I would love to" I took his hand and we began dancing.

It seemed like it's been forever. Once I get back to reality I see that it's just us dancing and everyone is watching us. In the corner of my eye I see Sebastian, he looks mad.

The song ends and I walk back to my master.

I have to pee. I'm still half Mei'fwa so I still have to use the restroom. "Master, may I excuse myself for a moment?" I ask Aurora. "You may" she says.

During the dance with Claude, he told me where all the rooms were. I walked down the hallway towards the restroom. My cat instincts were telling me someone was following me. I looked behind me but no one was there. Maybe I'm being paranoid.

I walk out the restroom and immediately get pinned up against the wall. "W-what?! PUT ME DOWN!" I didn't like this. I was filling up with anger. Whenever I'm way to angry I also go into my Mei'fwa form. My ears and tail grew out. I hissed at the man. "PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!" I yelled at him. "This kitten needs punishment". I could tell who that was by his voice. Claude. "CLAUDE PUT ME DOW-" I was cut off by him pushing his body against mine. "I don't want Michaelis having you" Claude went towards my neck. He held my mouth closed. He opened his mouth and showed fangs. He bit my neck. I tried to scream but Claude had my mouth shut. "You belong to me now. Your my mate." Claude said. "I marked you as mine. My fangs were into you" Claude smirked. "I-I'm your m-mate?!" I was so confused on what just happened. My vision was getting blurry and everything got darker.

I woke up in a unfamiliar room, in a unfamiliar bed. It had different wallpaper. The door opened, Claude. "Hello MY kitten, did you sleep well"
A/N: Hai! This is a longer chapter than anything I've EVER DONE. And yes in my story a demon marks you as his by bitting the females neck. This means your his mate forever or until another marks you as his. Otay that's all! Bye my bitches!

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