•15• Marry Me?

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Song: Marry You by Bruno Mars
*5 years later*
Y/N's POV:
It's been 5 years now. Me and Sebastian are still together. My master Aurora is still alive and Sebastian's master Ciel is still alive.

5 years ago they were 13, now there 18 years old. Time passed quickly. One thing I've been sad about is that Sebastian hasn't asked to marry me yet. Then again were Demons, it's not like he'll care anyway.

Sebastian's POV:
Today was the day I ask Y/N to marry me. I know it's not normal for demons to marry but I really love this women. I never thought I would be able to fall in love or feel emotion.

I want this to be special.

If your wondering, Aurora and Y/N had moved into the Phantomhive manor.

Also, me and Y/N have noticed my master and her master getting, closer. We both can tell they're in love. Ciel has Elizabeth though and Aurora has just recently got a fiancé. His name is... Alois. Yes, that annoying brat that belongs to the disgusting rat Claude. I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with Aurora and Alois dating, just if Claude wasn't in the picture it would all be fine. Maybe Elizabeth and Alois would get together and my master and Aurora could get together. At least then my master would have a less annoying fiancé.

Oh right, about the marriage thing. I've purchased a beautiful ring, I will ask her to marry me tonight on a hill that can show almost all of England. I've visited there and I must say, the view is amazing. Ciel and Aurora already know about the plan and they agreed.

The thing I found most funny was that when I mentioned marriage, Ciel and Aurora looked at each other and there faces got red. Humans really are quite funny.

Well, I must get ready then!

*Hours later*

Y/N's POV:
Sebastian took me to a hill that showed almost all of England. "Sebastian this is just beautiful" I say. "Well, I guess this is the time" he says. He gets down on one knee and pulls out a ring. I almost cry at the surprise.

"Y/N L/N, will you marry me?" He says. "YES" I scream and jump into his arms. "Y/N, I will love you for as long as I'm alive" he says. "I'll love you forever" I say. I'm about to get married...

*The Day Of The Wedding*

Y/N's POV:
I wear a beautiful white dress. There were 3 choices and I chose (whatever you chose)



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Since we're demons we of course didn't have our wedding in a church

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Since we're demons we of course didn't have our wedding in a church. We had our wedding on the hill were Sebastian proposed to me.

I walked down the aisle were Sebastian was standing, he was looking at me smiling happily. I couldn't help but smile too. I look at the seats, everyone I knew and everyone Sebastian knew were there. Grell was of course crying, Undertaker was there, Ciel, Aurora, Alois, Claude even though nobody invited him, Meyrin, Bardroy, Finny, Pluto, etc. I was so happy...

*Some time later*

"Repeat after me. I, Y/N L/N take you Sebastian Michaelis to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward until death do us part" Undertaker says. I repeat what he said.

"Sebastian, Repeat after me. I, Sebastian Michaelis take you Y/N L/N to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward until death do us part" Undertaker says. Sebastian repeats him.

"You may swap rings" he says. We swap rings. "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" He says. Sebastian leans in and kisses me. Everyone cheers, expect for Claude and Grell. I will love this man until the day I die.

Little did I know, my death was near. A couple seconds after we kissed I heard a loud "BANG!". My head stung and I could feel so much pain in my head. I touch my head to find a pool of blood on my head. I look at Sebastian.

Everything gets dark, I thought I was fine....

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