•8• The Unthinkable

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Everything goes dark and I wake up in a room. I wake up in my room, my room in the Phantomhive Estate. I get up a go out the door and head to the kitchen. I want my horse back but at the same time I also want Sebastian.

I open the kitchen door and see Sebastian cooking dinner. I walk up to him. "Sebastian?" I say. His head peaks up really fast and he turns around. "Y/N?" He says. Then he embraces me in a hug. The only thing I could do was hug him back.

"I thought you were gone" he says. "I'm not ready to leave just yet" I say. We are both still in a hug for what seems like forever. Then we pulled out of the hug and the unthinkable happened.

Sebastian's POV:
I was making my master his dinner, he wanted to eat in his office again. 'Sebastian do this and Sebastian do that' he's such a brat.

I'm almost about done until I hear my name. "Sebastian?" It says. I recognize that voice, that sweet, soft, calm voice. I turn around. "Y/N?" I say. I didn't know what to do, I wanted her back and I wanted to see her again. I thought she hated me and never wanted to see my face again but she's right here, standing in front of me. The first thing I did was hug her and she hugged back. We were there for what seemed forever.

I pulled out of the hug and cupped her face in my hand. "Y/N, I love you" I say then lean in and kiss her. She kisses me back. "I love you too Sebastian".

"Y/N, I love you" he says then he leans in and kisses me. I've loved him since the day I met him and I finally hear what I wanted to hear.

I kiss him back. "I love you too Sebastian" I say. We pull out of the kiss. "Please, don't ever leave me again" Sebastian says. "I'm not planning on leaving any time soon" I hug him and lean into his chest. He hugs me back and rest his head on me.

Tonight's POV:
Im watching everything she does. This is going smoothly so far. She's talking to him an- he hugged her and she hugged back. She wants to play that way ay? Oh! Now there kissing GREAT! I just wanted this happen! (Sarcasm) The reason I brought her back was so she could steal MY SEBASTIAN! (Sarcasm) She promised me, she has a week to get him back but shes getting really close to having a new dead horse. She'll pay, she'll pay....
I'm so sorry for the short chapter but once I finish all this homework I'll make the chapters longer again. It's so short! (ha that's what she said) this chapter is a lot shorter and I don't like it! But I have to have this homework done by Monday! I'm so stressed!!!!

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