•11• With Ciel

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We're still laying in my bed, cuddling. I can't remember what happened last night. All I know is I laid in bed, Sebastian was there, then poof! We're here! Wait.... What time is it?

I look at the clock, uh?! 12 am?! It's lunch?! My master must be sleeping still! Oh no!

'Knock knock'! "Just open the door, nobody's probably in here anyway!" "Well sorry for being polite!" "Ugh!"

The door opens, oh no!

Master Aurora's POV:
I wake up myself. Hm? Y/N's not here? What time is it? 11:12 am, I wonder what she's doing.

Then there's a knock at the door. 'Knock knock' "Come in" I say. Ciel Phantomhive walks in. "Your maid isn't here either?" He asks. "No, she's not. Is your butler here?" I ask. "Well no, he isn't. Get up, we need to find them" he says. I get up and dress myself and do my own hair. Y/N taught me these things, she's a demon, Mei'fwa thing that will eat my soul someday but she enjoys teaching others how to do the right thing. If she wasn't here I don't know what I'd do.

We walk around the manor, I haven't seen Ciel's face yet, only his back. Wait, why do I care? I don't need to see his face! Ugh! Elizabitch is also jealous that I'm 'With her precious Ciel!' I don't give a care about that girl. She's so high pitched and girly and way to.... Pink! (Hahaha!) I never want to see that face again.

As I'm thinking about how to kill Elizabitch one day (don't ask) Ciel then trips and falls. I begin to laugh because he tripped over air!
"Hahahaha! You tripped over air! Hahahaha!" I begin to laugh. "Ugh, stop laughing! It wasn't air! I tripped over my bloody shoe!" He starts pouting. "Your shoe? Well why didn't you tie it?" I ask. He looks down and starts blushing like he's embarrassed. "I don't know how to tie shoes" he mumbles. "What? I can't hear your mumbling!" I say. "Arrgghhh! I don't know how to tie shoes!" He screams. He's so cute when he's angry, even though I'm a little shorter than him. "Here, let me help" I say.

I bend down and start tying his shoes. "There! All done!" I say. "That looked easy, where'd you learn to tie your shoes and get yourself ready?" He says. I look at him and realize that his bow isn't on right, well, nothing is on right. His whole outfit is all, not neat. "Here" I say. I start to fix his bow. "As of where I learned to take care of myself, my maid Y/N taught me. She always loved to teach others so on her spare time she taught me how to dress myself and tie my shoes since my parents died before they could tell me anything" I say.

"That's quite a different maid you got there. She's meant to devour your soul one day but yet she's teaching you life lessons" he says. "Yes, just incase she might die one day. Remember, she isn't fully demon, she's only half demon so some things could kill her easily" I say.

All I know is we talked about things for about 10 minutes until we searched for our demons once again.

We decided to check my maids room just incase. I can't stop thinking, me and Ciel actually got along for once and we actually bonded. I thought I even seen him blushing when I helped with the bow. When we were talking as well, I seen him stare into my eyes, wait! Why do I care? It's not like I have feeling for him or anything! Ugh! Here's my maids room anyway.

I knock on the door 'knock knock'! "Just open the door, nobody's probably in here anyway!" Ciel says. "Well sorry for being polite!" I say sarcastically. "Ugh!" Ciel says. I open the door and see something I wish I never seen. I could tell by Ciel's face that he never wanted to see it either. We were both equally weirded out!

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