•4• That Kitten, Kidnapped

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Sebastians POV:
Where could she be? She's been missing since last night at the ball! The ball! Claude... He must've done something to her. I will go back to the Trancy manor and once and for all kill that butler. If he has Y/N that is.
No one touches my kitten.

Y/N's POV:
"I AM NOT YOUR KITTEN! IM NOBODYS KITTEN!" I'm getting angry, I want to kill this butler right now! My ears and tail came out, I started hissing and clawing at Claude. "Awww, my kitten looks so cute, trying to act all tough" he said in a baby voice. "STOP TALKING TO ME LIKE IM A BA-" I was cut off by my vision getting hazy and everything getting dark. "Don't worry my kitten, you'll soon be under my control".

3rd person POV:
Y/N fell to the ground, lying there. Claude had sprayed the room in sleeping toxic incase Y/N woke up. Alois knew Claude was doing all of this, Alois wanted Y/N as a maid. She was much better than Hannah. Later in the story you'll find out a secret about Hannah and Y/N. Claude picked up Y/N and took her to another room. He tied her up in a chair and put it over a pool of green liquid.

I woke up in a chair. I tried moving but when I looked down, I seen I was tied to the chair and a pool of green liquid under me. "You will be mine forever now Y/N" Alois was standing aside from the pool of liquid with Claude beside him. I hissed at them. "LET ME GO THIS INSTANT!" I was growling. "Or what?" Alois stared me down. "Or I'll-" I was cut off by the liquid. I was dumped into the green liquid, I was drowning. I was running out of breath. I was pulled out of the liquid. "Ughhhhhh" I was breathing hard. "STO-" I was cut off again and put in the green liquid. They did this about 50 times until I was knock out.

~5 hours later~

I woke up in a room shivering. I didn't know what happened or how I got here or what happened before this. Then a man in a suit and glasses walks in. He has black hair and brownish golden eyes. "W-who are you? W-where am I" I was shivering. "Shhhh I'm someone you can trust, but there's someone you can't trust" he telling me. "I'm Claude, do you remember me?" The thought hits me back. "Your the man that knocked me out!" I was backing away. "No, I am not that man, the man that did that to you was Sebastian Michaelis" Claude said. "Sebastian..... He wouldn't" I sat there. "Sebastian....."

Sebastians POV:
"Master, I think Alois Trancy and his butler has kidnapped Y/N" my master and I were trying to find out what happened to Y/N. "Well, she did go missing at the Trancy manor; we will go there today; get a carriage ready to leave" Ciel said. "Yes my lord" I bowed and left to get a carriage ready.

~time skip to the Trancy manor~

I helped my master out the carriage and knocked on the door. Claude opened the door. "Hello Michaelis, what brings you here today" he was boring as ever. "We know you have Y/N, return her to us" I said. "You want her back, here, try. Y/N!" Claude yelled up the stairs. There she was, walking down the stairs. "Yes Claude?" She asked. "A visitor wants to see you" Claude said. She looked and me. "I-I don't want him here, I don't want to see his face ever again! I thought he was someone I could trust! But he lied to me like everyone else!" She ran back up the stairs and left. "As you can see, she doesn't want to see anyone right now, bye" before I could say anything, he closed the door. Why was she scared of me? What did I do? And what did she mean by "everyone else"?

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