•6• The Past

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"Hurry Tonight! Run!" "I'm running I'm running!" I was around 12 during this time. I was running around with my best friend Tonight. I was a demon Mei'fwa mix and she was an angel but she accepted me the way I was. I loved her more than a best friend, I loved her as a sister.

Back to the past. Little Y/N's POV:

You wanna play tag?" I asked. Im only 12 and Tonight is 13. "Your it!" She started running off. "Not fair!" I ran after her.

Her hair is so long and pretty. My hair is H/L and H/C. I also love her natural Snow White hair, it's so beautiful.

I tagged her! "Your it!" I ran off. She ran after me. "Y/N, your parents want you home now" Tonight's parents said. "Awwwww! I don't wanna go!" I whined. "It's ok Y/N! You can come over tomorrow!" Tonight hugged me. "Bye Tonight" I said.

I rode my horse back home. He was a buckskin horse and I called him Mickey Mouse! (yes the horse is named Mickey Mouse deal with it). I loved Mickey to death! He wasn't exactly my horse, he was my neighbours but he was still my horse. He was a mean horse, he would kick and bite other horses but that just meant he was more alike me. I was mean and kicked and pushed other people, other than Tonight and her parents.

I made it back home and put Mickey back before the neighbours noticed. "Hello? Mom?" I said. No answer. "Mom? Dad?" I looked throughout the house. The last room was their room.

I opened the door. "Mom? Da-" my eyes widened. There, they lay on the bed with a pool of blood around them. My dad had a death scythe straight thorough his heart and my mom had a sword straight thorough her chest. How did this happen?! My father the demon and my mother the Mei'fwa, I know one person couldn't do this alone. I'm guessing two people killed them.

All I could was cry, my mother and father dead. I ran out the house and to Tonight's house.

I knock on the door. "HELLO! ARE YOU THERE!" I'm still crying. Tonight's mom opens the door. "W-what's wrong?! Why are you crying?! What happened?!" She asked. "M-my m-mom and d-dad are d-d-... DEAD!" I started crying even more. Ms.Redmoons eyes widened (there last name is Redmoon). "Come inside please" she leaded me into her home. She couldn't handle it anymore and fell to the ground and started crying as well. My mom and her were best friends, like me and Tonight. Then Tonight came downstairs. "Oh, hey Y- mom?! Why are you crying?" She ran towards her mom. "W-what happened?! Y/N your crying too!" She said. "My mom and dad were murdered" I finally spoke. Tonight's eyes widened. "T-there dead!" Her eyes reared up as well.

We spent the last month mourning over there death. I live with Tonight and her family from now on, we were like real sisters now. I would still visit Mickey and take a ride on him. But today was something I was never prepared for. I walked into the stables only to find that Mickey wasn't there. I look on his stall and see a sign that says 'this horse was sold off yesterday, he will no longer be here' I cried more. My parents then Mickey! What's next! Tonight! I ran 'home' and laid in bed. Tonight came into the room. "What's wrong Y/N?" She asked. "Mickey was sold off yesterday!" I said. "Look, Y/N, get over it, he was just a horse!" She looked annoyed. "All you've been doing was crying all month! Will you shut up already! It's just a horse!" She yelled. I got angry. "He's not just any horse. HES MY HORSE! HE LOVED ME AND I LOVED HIM! WE WERE THE EXACT SAME! HES MORE THAN JUST A HORSE! Hes different from any normal horse. He's my horse" I let my anger out. "You say he's more than a horse but all he was, was just another ordinary horse so.... JUST GET OVER IT" she slapped me. "Y/N.... I'm sorry" she said. I didn't think twice, I ran out that house as fast as I could.

I was now on the street. I lost everything that I cared about. My parents, Mickey Mouse, and my best friend.

I stayed on the street until I was old enough to make a contract with someone. That's when Aurora Red, my new master summoned me. I made a contract with her. That's when my new life started.....

~past end~

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