•13• The Week Has Ended

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Song: Teddy Bear by Melanie Martinez
Im guessing the YouTube channel that made this video: moonlight bae
Y/N's POV:
I don't what could ruin my life right now, it's just perfect! I have the perfect lover, the perfect master, the perfect life! I'm in the garden when Sebastian comes to me and hugs me from behind. "I love you" he says. "I love you too" I say and we share a kiss. I love him.

Tonight's POV:
Oh Y/N. You forgot about the week? Haven't you... Your only childhood friend is dead. You didn't deliver the request on time so you have to pay. You also took the request for yourself, oh how funny you are!

I walk back to the place and stare directly at the demon horse. Don't worry, it'll hurt a lot! I say with a smile. I grab the scythe and stab the horse in the heart. Blame Y/N for your death! She was the one that got you killed! Tell her! I stab the horse over and over again. How much good revenge feels! Don't worry Y/N, your horse won't be the only one dying! Your next...

Y/N's POV:
Everyday I feel like I'm forgetting something. I don't what though. I'm supposed to have a smart and un-forgetting mind but this time, I don't know. Then in a second my heart feels as if I've just lost someone special in my heart, it hurts. I hold my heart in pain and Sebastian runs to me.

"What's wrong kitten?" He asks. "My heart, it hurts!" I say. "Come inside" he says and leads me inside. Then once were inside my heart stops aching. "Sebastian I'm fine now" I say and stand up. "Are you sure?" He asks. "Yes I'm fine" I say.

I walk back outside to the garden. I sit down and stare at the beautiful flowers. Then I hear someone run behind me. I turn around but no ones there, maybe just a cat. Then someone puts their hands over my mouth so I can't scream. "Shhhhh, it'll all be over soon, Y/N..." I'm knocked out.

3rd person POV:
Tonight drags Y/N back to her place and ties her up to a chair. "You failed" Tonight says.

*Some Hours Later*

Y/N's POV:
I wake up tied to a chair, the room is black and my mouth is tied up. I try to muffle some screams. Then I hear a voice. "You failed Y/N, you failed" it says. I remember that voice, but whose is it?

Then a girl with red eyes and long Snow White hair walks out, Tonight. "Y/N, had you forgotten? You had a week" she says. A week? Wait, a week! I forgot. "Let me help" she says and pulls off the rag over my mouth. "Tonight, I'm sorry. I forgot!" I say. "It's to late, but look who I got here" she says and pulls a box out. "Open it, my present. It's almost Christmas after all (it really is!)" she says. I open the box only to see the head of my once beloved horse. His head stuffed inside this box with his heart on the head. "Merry Christmas!" She says. "Tonight! How dare you!" I yell. "What? You don't like my present?" She says. I begin to cry. "I will kill you for this!" I yell.

I'm so mad that my full cat form comes out. I become a giant black panther with purple eyes. "Oh what a pretty kitty!" She says. "ROAR!" I scream out. I jump at Tonight but she flys up. "You think someone as weak as you can defeat me!" She says. I jump up onto the roof breaking thorough the whole house. "Come here" I say. She flys up higher. "You coward!" I say. I growl and scratch a part of Tonights wings causing some feathers to fall off.

She begins to have some trouble flying, this is my time. I was to late, Tonight had recovered her wings and flew off. "Until next time!" She says. I calm down and turn back into my normal form, my normal maid demon form. I will get you Tonight and you will die!

I jump building to building jumping back to the manor. The only thing I can do now is protect myself and Sebastian.

I make it back to the manor at around midnight. I walk in and all lights are off, Aurora must've put herself to sleep, good girl. I walk around to find Sebastian until I end up bumping into him. "There you are! I was so worried!" He says and hugs me. "Sebastian I must tell you something" I say. "What is it my kitten?" He asks. "The day of the ball Ciel is holding here, I'll need your help with something" I say. "With what?" He asks. "With killing someone"

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