•7• Reunited

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Tonight walked out into the light, she was still beautiful but much more different. Her Snow White hair was still long and she still had her beautiful red eyes. I still hate her though and want her to die, she never thought of me as a sister, not even a friend, she was only in it for the money.

"So you do remember me, still holding that grudge ay?" She said. "You never cared about me, you wanted me to die, I know it" I said. "I would leave you alone but, you have something I've always wanted, something so precious and something that can't feel emotion but can gain emotion with someone special" she said. "What do you want?" I said. "Sebastian Michaelis, I've always wanted him, he's so special in every way" she said. "I don't own him, there's nothing I can do about it" I said with a smirk.

She came up behind me and held the knife to my throat. "If you can't get him here in a week, Mickey dies" she said. Wait Mickey Mouse, my horse?! "Mickey? Mickey Mouse my horse!" I said. "Well who else? I was able to transform Mickey into a demon stallion with the help of a friend, but I'll kill Mickey with a death scythe if you can't get Michaelis here in a week" she said. "I'll get him here, just don't hurt Mickey, I'll do it for him but I want to see Mickey first!" I said. "Follow me" she said.

She walked into a dark room and I followed. Then there was light. I continued following Tonight into the light. HA pun intended follow her into the light. Because she's an angel.... Ok ill stop you can continue reading.

There I stood, in a stable and there stood, Mickey Mouse, my horse. He was now a demon, he no longer had blue eyes and buckskin fur, his eyes were Crimson red and his fur was jet black.

"Mickey" I walked toward him hoping he still remembered me and that he was still the same. "Pfftt" he moved his head up and down. I held my hand out hoping he would move his head in my hand. He moved his head so my hand was touching his face, he remembered me. I hugged him and he hugged me back. "I missed you so much buddy" I said. He answered back with a neigh.

"Now will you get Michaelis here for ME" she said.....

"Just don't hurt Mickey and I'll get you what you need" I held my head in shame. Sebastian is going to be hers but I don't want that to happen, and I won't let it......
Lol did I trick one of yous by calling this chapter reunited! You thought yous was getting back with Sebby, NOPE! Any who, this chapter is a little shorter but that's because I have a lot of homework to do like a months worth of homework. I need to get it done or else I'm getting a zero for class. Lol I'm lazy as heck! Anyway.... Bye for now my bitches!

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