Zen~ sick

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Zen's POV

You looked at me, sadness in your eyes.

"You're lying, right?" She asks, tears falling down her cheek. "It's all a lie, right?" I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her closer,

"It's the truth, babe." She starts sobbing.

"N-no! It's a lie, tell me it's a lie. Please." She implores. "Please. Please. Please."

(Name)'s POV

My boyfriend is dying and I can't do anything about it.

I can lie to myself that this is isn't real,

but lies hurt deeper than the truth.

Unlike the truth, lies keep you locked up behind bars,

keeping you from knowing your hurting,

and you may never find out that you're hurting,

but the pain is always there.

Lies distract you from reality, leaving you almost impossible to get healed.

But honestly, right now, I prefer lies.

Why won't you lie to me?



This isn't real.


You're not going to die,



"(Name)!" I look at him, forcing a smile.

"Ah. Sorry, I was deep in though." I laugh, fighting back tears. He looks at me with worried eyes. I stand up,

"I'm gonna go home now. I..." I think of an excuse on why I need to go home. "I miss my stuffed pig.. it never fails to put me in a good mood."

"A pig?"


"I've never seen it before. Show it to me next time." He says, smiling. "Want a ride home?"

"No thank you. I need to stop by a store anyways." Yeah, I need to go buy myself a pig, just incase he comes to my apartment later and ask to see it.


I stop by a small shop that sells stuffed toys, 'Children's Toys'.

Wow, they probably "took a long time" thinking about a name for their shop.

I browse at the different toys they have, Barbie dolls, cars, board games, emoji pillows, etc.

Where are the fucking stuffed toys?

As if on que, a cute little stuffed toy pig fell from the rack. It's pink, fluffy, and has the words "I love you" stitched on its back. I made my way to the counter, the adorable stuffed toy in my hand. I paused to look at it,

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