In the Dark..

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           It was dark when I looked up, there were brick walls all around. There were contruction panels on the side of the walls. Some where broken and looked rusted. The place looked more than vacant. It was darker than vanta black. Darker than my soal as April would say. The only light was coming in from the window, the moon. It was bright but not bright enough to light up the place. I could barely see a door on the westside of the room not knowing were it would go to. I felt like something was telling me to stay still.
          Wait, were was I even at? I was just outside at... Were was Glenn? Were was April and Jacob? What just happened. I felt dazzed and confused. I had the worst headache in the world and I couldn't see straight. My breaths started getting shorter. I looked at the floor noticing how it was cracked in several spots. The room felt slanted in a way I can't explain. I hear soft footsteps near the door.


          There was no answer like I thought. Wind starts rushing in the room from everyway you could turn. Everything went black, there was no moon in sight. There were no stars. The wind was getting colder and faster by the second. I didn't know what to do.


         The door from the other side of the room slammed shut then slammed right back open.


            Wow, I did not mean to say that outloud. It clicked into the latch, finally. There was a soft sound in the wind... it was a flute. It came from the westside of the room... the door, of course it had to be the door. The wind kept blowing but the flute was still going the same speed. My head hurt worse, my hair was in my face.
I ended up on the floor real quick after that. It was cold and... and wet. My hands were in wetness. It didn't have a sent and it wasn't thin like water. It surely wasn't water. I licked my hand in disbelief of what I thought it was. It was blood. The wind stopped suddenly like a snap of a finger. The flute was softer than it has been. I could barely here it anymore.
The door handle started to vibrate. There had to be someone here besides me. Was it someone or something?
The door slammed open hitting the wall from the other room.


        Dammit. I need to stop saying that before I offend something or someone that's in here. Why was I even here? Why did I care? I don't remember..


        It was the sound of an old man with a low raspy voice. It sounded strong and tough. There was silent for a moment. I had no idea what to say.

"Who's there?"

        I answered before I thought about what I was going say, that was not a good idea. My voice was more soft and scarred than I intended for it to be. There was no answer. I heard the running from outside the room. It wasn't outside anymore. It kept getting closer and closer. It ran into the room.


         I stood up real quick, still dizzy but my breaths were back to normal. My hands were still wet. My shoes were slick but I was ready for a fight. I will do anything to get out of here. I heard more running but it stopped.
Whoever or whatever it was stopped and did it for a reason. There was silence and I heard the voice again.


        I thought to myself for a minute. I don't want to be here, I'm suposed to be with my friends. Not here in this dump. I'm more than mad and you keep telling me to leave isn't helping anything. I spoke my mind. The worst thing to do.

"Look here whoever you are! You need to shut the fuck up before more shit happens. I'm not in the mood to deal with your shit! You think I want to be here? Well I dont!! I'm supposed to be with my friends and you're sure as hell aren't one of them!"

        The wind started blowing again but not as hard. I am so stupid. I was starting to get a sharp pain in my side. It was way worse than usual. I felt like someone was stabbing me. I looking down and I couldn't see anything. I felt around on my side and it was wet. It must have been from the ground. I felt around my side.

"Oww shit!! What the fuck!?!"

Hey, thanks for reading my story. This is the first one I've ever made and I'm really excited. The next part will be out soon. Make sure to comment on what I could do with the next chapters up ahead! Thanks for all the support!
Aye.. M-A-C

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