
14 2 4

           He didn't say anything... he just stood there. I look to my right were the door is then at the window. As I look back at Connor more light comes in from the window and door.
         He looks at me and kisses my forehead and takes a step back. My arms are off the wall and I am free from his grasp.
        He looks at the door then back at me. He snaps his fingers like he is expecting something to happen afterwards. Nothing was happening but he keeps snapping his fingers.
       The door starts closing softly which is a real suprise. I look over at the door and watch it shut while the space in between gets smaller and smaller till there is no more. I look back at Connor. He's gone. What the hell?
       Where the fuck did he go?? What even?! What do I do now just sit and wait to die? There is nobody here and there is no food. Well... at least I don't have to deal with that anymore.
        I walk over to the window into the light that shined into the building. I look down at the floor realizing that my phone is in my pocket, I take it out. I scroll through it and see nothing new from anyone..
        Did they give up?.. What if they just stopped?.. They don't care. They never did. Why would they? They have no reason to care. I'm just the one that listens, I don't really talk. I just go through the motions. I'm not wanted there. Why should I be? I bet they already have a replacement for me. I knew they could find someone better. I hope they're happy I'm gone. Wait..
        My everything... Ryan.. would he stop looking?.. Glenn said he wouldn't but they could've. I mean everyone has there breaking point... right? When they're done with everything, done with me..
      I sit down on the ground then put my phone in my back pocket waiting. Waiting for anything to move or make some kind of noise. It's way too quiet. I'm trying to calm down and it's not working very well. All I can think about is being forgotten. Being replaced. Being alone..
          What if Ryan replaces me?.. Oh god.. please no. No, I need him in my life. I can't live without him. He makes me happy. He's the one person that really makes me laugh. He's so cute to just watch him be him. I can't lose him. Not now when I need him most. He's my everything. I need a life but I already have one and it's him. He makes me who I am and I love it. I'm so lost without him by my side. Like right now I don't know what to do anymore because I can't be with him or anyone. He's mine and I need him now. Expecially now... I love him so much he can't understand. He so perfect.. I can't put it into words enough to were anyone could understand how I really feel about him. Ugggg, I love him so fucking much!
         Would he leave me? Would he just move on like that? Without even waiting to see if I'm ok let alone being alive to see him again. At least he would be happy without me. I know he can find someone better. He deserves better. I know everyone would be broken but I would rather them be happy that I lived and go over all the memories we've had with each other than cry for months. Then they would die from sadness or just die because this is a ride or die family.
         They can't give up not now. Ugggg why did I have to go for a walk that I don't even remember? But if I just end it now?...

I don't know why I wrote this chapter like this but it's chill I guess. Thx for reading and sorry for the delay. I got some stuff going on. My idea went away..
Aye.. M-A-C

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