Chapter nine; Vegas.

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Monday finally, finally came and it was time to head to the airport. "Come on Hayley and Annie!" Mom yells from downstairs. "We have a surprise for you" dad also says. Hayley and I walk downstairs to cameras (as usual). "Hey" I say. Hayley walks over to pet Winnie. Suddenly, I get scared out of my mind. Someone or something jumps out at me. I look over to see Paige. A tear fills my eye and she holds Hayley and I tightly in her arms. I am speechless. Best surprise, EVER!


We're waiting for the Bratayley's to come pick us up so we can all arrive at the airport together. A few moments later, I hear a knock at my door. It's Annie. My face suddenly brightens and turns as red as a tomato. I hug her. "I can't wait" she says. "Me too." I whisper back. She takes my hand a leads me to the car. My family following behind. We get our stuff in the back. They rented out a mini van so we could all go in one car together. Annie and I sit right at the back. "So, you two love birds hey" Paige says. I blush instantly. "Paige!" Annie says embarrassed. We all let out a giggle. "Alright guys, it'll be about an hour and a half before we reach our destination." Says mrs Katie. "Yep, and a four hour flight to Las Vegas!" Mom says. I grab Annie's hand and kiss her on the cheek. She smiles back at me. She looks so tired. I lay her head on my shoulder and she instantly gets sleepier and sleepier. I put my arms around her and she pulls me closer. We both fall asleep.


I wake up in Brennan's arms. I feel safe. The whole car but mom was asleep (because she was driving). "Mom" I whisper as soft as I can. "How long until we're there?" " around 20 minutes darling." She whispers back.
About five minutes later, Brennan starts to wake up. Almost everyone but Katie is awake now. "We're gonna stop for some gas okay guys. Just so the tank is full for when we come back." Says mrs Jill.
We finally arrive at the airport and get through security. The hardest part is finally over. We have about 30 minutes before boarding. Mrs Jill and my mom are Filming Hayley Ryan and Brennan whilst Katie and I are making musical.lys. "Alright guys, whoever needs to go to the toilet, go now because I know we all hate those toilets ugh!" Mom says. Brennan and I both go together since no one else needed to go. I get a glimpse of Katie watching us walk away holding one another's hands. I get a hint of jealousy coming from her. 'It's probably not true and she was probably just looking at something else.' I think to myself. I try as hard as I can to believe that but my face goes pale, as if I was worried. I am. "Hey" Brennan says putting his arm around my shoulders. "You okay?" I put my arm on his waist and say "yeah! I would tell you if I wasn't" "good." He says looking into my eyes. His chocolate brown eyes make everything way better.


We finally get onto the plane and Annie is sitting in front of me next to Katie and Hayley. I hear them giggling, which makes me happy. Because they're happy.
One hour into the flight, Katie, Hayley, Ryan and Paige were asleep. I couldn't see if the parents were awake as they were sitting at the other end of the plane. I see Annie still awake on her phone. I decided to text her.

B - how's your flight going princess? ❤️


About one hour into the flight, my phone buzzes. It's from Brennan.

B - how's your flight going princess? ❤️
      I reply instantly with a smile on my face.
A - it's pretty boring. But it would be better if I was in your arms ❣️

   I look behind me to see Brennan giggling and blushing.

B - meet me at the bathroom ❤️

A - okay ❣️

I get up as quickly and quietly as possible. Brennan follows closely behind. "What did you need B?" I ask. "I just needed to hug you" he says. I smile and give him the biggest cuddle and he kisses my forehead. We have only kissed on the lips once. And we weren't even dating when we did it. So I guess it's time now. I look up at him with a smile. Our lips touch for at least fifteen seconds before letting go. Afterwards he holds me tight and we head back to our seats.


We kissed! Again! Finally! It was perfect. We walked back to our seats and got comfortable for the three hours left of this flight. I text her again, blushing... like usual.

B - we should do that more often ❣️

A - we should ❣️

  She looks back and gives me a cute little smile. I give her a smirk back and she turns back around to watch a movie.

•one hour later•

With only two more hours left of this flight, Annie and I still haven't slept. It's now 9pm and we have just been texting each other back and forth. Mrs Katie comes over with her camera. "Hey guys so we're going to check up on the kids. It's sucks that we aren't right next to them like always, but at least they have Paige with them and they're all together as a group. Hey guys!!" She says. "Hey mom" Annie says with her cute little voice. "Hey" I say reaching my arms on Annie's chair. "So, whatcha doooing?" mrs Katie asks. "Nothing" Annie and I both say at the same time. "Well you better get some sleep because it'll be at least 10 or 11pm by the time we land so rest up!!" Mrs Katie says as she walks back to her seat with her camera. About 30 minutes of more texting, we both finally fall asleep.


•the next day•

We have arrived safely in Las Vegas. Time to explore. We go on a walk, do some shopping, eat some lunch, we laugh, we smile, we love and we share memories. Memories that are unforgettable.

I am so, so sorry for the long wait for this chapter!!!! My first day back to school for this term so I've just been trying to get back into that routine. But thank you, thank you, tank you for 100 readings on this fan fic 🆑💜

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