Chapter twelve; flair 3.0 (prt 2)

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Hey guys! Before this chapter starts, I just want to see what you guys think would be a great idea for my next story, as this one will probably be coming to an end pretty soon. Thank you all for the support. Enjoy this chapter!


We arrived at the venue and there are already thousands of people waiting at the stage. Pushing and shoving to get to the front to see us. Us. Oh my gosh. I want to cry, yet I want to laugh a-and smile from ear to ear. All the emotions. "Time to go girls. Say bye to everyone ahhh!" Mrs Carey says nervously. I say bye to mom and dad and all the other parents. I come to Brennan and he has a smile on his face. "You look beautiful." He says. I run into his arms and we hold each other closely. I want to kiss him. But instead, he comes in and our lips smash together. "Good luck princess." He whispers in my ear. Too bad he's not allowed to come back stage. "Bye" I say to everyone. I run into Katie's arms and we walk linked together.
We reach back stage and I'm so nervous. "Huddle in girls" mrs Mary and Carey say. We all huddle in. "We've got this okay. This is just for fun guys. No competition. I love you all, you are going to do great." We all break and they call our names, one by one. I give Katie a hug. "I love you" I say. "I love you too" she says giving me a scared look. "Everything's going to be okay, I promise" she gives me a smile and we warm up a little more. I am so scared because at the start and the end, we all have a little solo and I am the first and the last to get on and off that stage. I've been struggling with the counts because I'm so used to jazz music, where it's fast and upbeat, now it's slow and graceful. What if I forget?? What if I stuff up?? I'm nervous. I see Brennan in the corner of my eye in the audience. He gives me a loving look and smiles. "Good luck" he mouths. I give him another smile. "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage, flair." I take a deep breath and walk onto the stage. 1...2...3...


I see Annie backstage while I'm in the audience. She looks scared stiff. She smiles at me and I smile back. "Good luck" I mouth. She's going to do great I know it. "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage, flair." I'm nervous for Annie. She's the first and the last person to get on and off the stage. She walks on.
"Feeling like I'm breathing my last breath."
The music, her, the dance. Everything is perfect, so far. Ugh I can't take my eyes off of her. She dances so gracefully, so-beautifully. Her smile just lights up my life. I swear, everyday she gets better. 'Come on girls' I think to myself. They start to get faster and faster. "Slow it down" mrs Carey yells out to the girls. They all begin to slow down. Katie looks amazing!! I'm so proud to have her as my sister. I look over to my mom almost in tears because she's so proud. I grab her hand and giver her a smile.
Finally, the end has come. Oh no. She looks worried. The smile she's had on the whole dance is slowly wiping away. Should I? Will it keep her going? Here goes nothing... "I LOVE YOU ANNIE" I yell.


I'm on stage. Everything is going so well.
My end solo is here. I'm not remembering anything. I'm tripping over my own feet. 'Come on Annie. 5,6,7,8. You can do this.' I think. I can't. I'm slowing down. Oh no. I suddenly hear the most reliable thing to me right now come from the audience. "I LOVE YOU ANNIE." Brennan yells. He motivates me to keep going. To not stop. I'm doing well again....
The dance ends. Everyone is screaming. Brennan made everything better. "Annie!" I hear from a distance. It's Katie. I hug her. "You did so well" she whispers. "Thankyou" I say back. She smiles and hugs me a little longer.
We walk to the hallway where no audience members are allowed to be. My mom and dad come racing towards Hayley and I and mrs Jill, mr Mike, Brennan and Ryan to Katie. "Good job baby girls" mom and dad say excitedly. "I'm so proud of you" a tear fills moms eye. "Caleb would be too." A tear fills MY eye and slowly rolls down my cheek. Paige is hugging me to congratulate me and make sure I'm okay. She goes onto hugging Hayley and Brennan comes over to me and just stares. He smiles. "You did it." He says. I hug him. "I kept going because of you." I whisper in his ear. "You're the reason I kept going." "I am honoured to be the reason you keep going in life." He says, kissing my forehead. I felt safe. Like my tears were a 'never was.' That's why I fell in love with him. He just has the magic to take away the pain of reality.

Sorry it took soooo long for me to publish this. It took a lot of effort. I had to imagine and make up the dance in my mind to be able to describe exactly the way the characters felt. But I really love this chapter so, hope you enjoyed.

Brannie; forever and always.  (COMPLETED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora