Crappy Teachers

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      Now, teenagers complain about teachers all the time. Sometimes it's just because they were being dumbasses and got mad at the teacher for disciplining them. Sometimes it's just because they got too much homework. Other times, it's because the teacher actually sucks!

    I'm not bitching because I got too much homework this week as well (even though I did). There are certain teachers that are so terrible, everyone wonders why the hell they're even teaching. Like with many things, there are different types of "bad" teachers, so here they are!

    The Bitchy Teacher

   These are the teachers that spend half the class time lecturing the students about how they should take things seriously. Let's face it, if you're teaching a class full of morons, these lectures will go right over their heads like everything else. There's no point in sitting there telling them how much they suck. Then you're also subjecting the good students to your whiny lectures, who stop paying attention as well because this lecture doesn't apply to them. So not only have you accomplished nothing, you've wasted precious time for actually teaching.

    The Scatterbrained Teacher

    To be honest, I don't hate these teachers as much. It usually means that I have one less class to worry about. That being said, I still don't appreciate it. These teachers are all over the place. They can't teach, can't take control of the class, and have no idea what the hell they're doing. What really sucks is when they make you do an assignment, and then they don't collect it! If they do, you don't get it back until months later, when you've completely forgotten about it. The worst is when they lose your assignment and then you have to do it again. Seriously, if the teacher loses your paper, you should automatically get 100% on it, because it was in no way, your fault. Then other times, a lot of what you do is pointless and the class is a waste of time.

    The Tyrant Teacher

     These are the types of teachers I hate the most. They're condescending, arrogant, and think that because they're a teacher they're some kind of god. Usually they treat the students like little children, or they clearly hate that specific age group they're teaching. If that's the case, then why the hell are you here? Then they make statements like "I expect you to..." "So far, as I look through so and so, I'm not impressed..." Meanwhile, they don't even tell you how to improve, or even teach right. Sometimes they'll go bitchy on the class and lecture them the whole time. Then they have these ridiculous expectations. You know what happened recently? My classmates and I were asking about the length of an essay and you know what our teacher said? "Well, it should be five-and-a-half if you're going for a C. Although this girl wrote me 10 pages and I still gave her a C because she was just rambling." The hell? She was rambling because she would've gotten a C anyway for not having more than five-and-a-half pages, bitch! (By the way, five-and-a-half pages is probably nothing compared to some other people/classes, but when it's not an easy topic to discuss, five-and-a-half pages is a lot)

     What really pisses me off about these teachers is that nothing's ever their fault, ever. Oh, the entire class is failing? All the students must suck! There's absolutely nothing wrong with the way I teach! They think by piling a bunch of pointless work on us, they're doing us a favor. And of course, these teachers always have the principal on their side, so it's not like you can go up the chain of command to complain.

   If you're going to be teacher, you need to follow a set of rules. These will mostly apply to high school teachers. This part's less of a rant and more of a guidebook if you will.

   (1) Treat your students like adults. I know, if there's a class full of jackasses, this could be very hard to do. But they could have the mindset to act like jackasses because no one will take them seriously anyway. Prove them wrong. Treat the students like adults and they'll probably respect you more. More respect means more listening.

  (2) Get organized. No one likes a teacher who constantly loses everyone's papers. They won't take you seriously, and in turn, will not respect you.

   (3) Have a point with your assignments. There's  nothing I hate more than being forced to do work that won't even help me in the long run. It's pointless, it's annoying, and I'm not learning anything while I do it, so why bother? Even the teachers themselves hates grading it, so why make more work for yourself on top of everyone else?

    (4) Understand your students. Your class is not the only one these people have. Don't start giving mounds of homework when other classes are doing the same. Definitely don't think you're better than the students, otherwise you'll turn into the tyrant teacher and everyone will hate you. Also understand that you have to teach right. If 29 out of 30 students are doing terrible, it's not because every single one of them are slackers. You're probably doing something wrong and you need to address that.

Finally, and probably the most important (5) Teach more than just your subject. Anyone can get a degree in whatever subject and teach it to people. If you really want to make an impact on the lives of your students, give them a new perspective on life. Make them appreciate coming to class everyday. Try to convince them why your subject is so important. Give them something to think about. They'll see you as mentor, not just another teacher, and you will forever have their respect.

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