Console Elitists

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I love talking to people about video games. It's fun nerding out together, especially when we both love the same game. The problem arises when they ask what console I play. 

"So what do you have?"

"Oh I have an XBOX 360."

"Aw that makes me sad."

Why the hell does that make you sad? What's wrong with playing on a 360? Is it some kind of crime to play on a console other than a goddamn PS3? The PS4's out now, so I guess that one's okay with these people. It pisses me off when people do this. You're not superior because you use playstation. My XBOX 360 is perfectly functional. It works, it plays the games I like relatively smoothly, and I have plenty of fun using it. Why is it your business what console I play? 

I really fail to see a big difference in enjoyment of games with XBOX and playstation. I love playing my XBOX. I also tried out my friend's PS4 and guess what? I had just as much fun! They're not better than each other. They're just different consoles and companies. Mass Effect 3 is for playstation and XBOX. I played it on my 360, while my friend played it on his PS3. But you know what? We both loved it. I didn't get any less of an experience just because I played it on the 360. But I keep getting poo pooed because I play 360. 

Besides even if I did--for whatever stupid reason--agree with these assholes that the 360 sucks, you really think I'm just gonna switch consoles because you said to? Yeah, just let me pull my millions out of my ass. I'll buy a brand new console that I don't need and replace all the games I already own so I can play them on the playstation. Happy now? It doesn't make any sense to switch now. You know why? I happen to enjoy playing my 360. And it's working fine. I don't need a new console just yet. If I ever do, I'll pick whatever next gen console I want. 

Plus, I'm female! You should be marveling at the fact that I even play video games extensively! But oh no, I play the *dramatic gasp in the background* XBOX 360! How dare I do such a blasphemous thing. What a stain on the gaming community. I play XBOX! Just burn me at the stake right now. I somehow have a lesser gaming experience because I'm not using playstation. Kiss my ass, go to the ninth circle of hell, and take your elitist attitude with you, in that order

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