~*~ Chapter 3 ~*~

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Hadrian opened his eyes.

Morning sunlight seeped into the bedroom. The pale walls starting to be light up. Next to him Martha's chest heaved up and down still fast asleep. Hadrian pushed aside the thin covers placing his feet on the ground. 

He reached for his wooden dresser clicking on his clockwork hands

 to his right and left wrist.

He scratched his pajamas. The long pieces of clothing all wrinkled.

He scratched his ears yawning.

" Good morning dear." Martha said.

Her amber eyes gazed at Hadrian.

She to pushed aside her covers revealing her white gown.

She scratched her golden fur and floppy golden ears much like Hadrian's.

She slipped on her goggle.

Hadrian watched as she slipped it around her ear.

" Good morning." He said standing.

" Is something bothering you honey?" She asked.

" No. Not at all." Hadrian said trying to reassure her.

Hadrian reached for his rob clinging to a knob on his dresser. He walked opened his bedroom door walking down the hallway passing his son's room and heading down the stairs. The wood creaked under his feet. 

He made a turn passing his front door.

Next to the living room was the kitchen.

A metal stove with a hatch and a tall metal pipe stood silent. Pots and pants were neatly arranged on wooden hangers. A wooden draw was right below it.

In the center of the room was a wooden table surrounded by wooden chairs. The walls of the kitchen brick.

Fancy plates rested on shelves.

Hadrian grabbed a coffee cup from the cabinet walking over to the metal and big coffee machine. He put the glass under tube then pulling a few levers.

He watched as his coffee moved all over the place before landing in his cup.

A few minutes later Jared came running down the steps.

" I'm heading out Father." He called.

" Okay! Be safe!" Hadrian replied leaning against the wooden counter.

Hadrian then grabbed his coffee shutting off the machine and adding some sugar to it. He also added milk that was in a glass container.

Hadrian sat at the kitchen table talking to Martha.

" His grades have been poor, Hadrian. W-"

Jared burst in through the door holding a newspaper.

" What in goodness gracious!? Jared!?"

Jared came running into the kitchen.

His clockwork tail ticking and his chest heaving.

His button down shirt slightly dirty along with his leather vest being secured with a golden chain. His sleeves were also rolled up and buttoned.

" Father, Sargent Leafs was killed last night!"

Hadrian stood horrified.

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