~*~ Chapter 5 ~*~

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A great dane was strapped to a wooden chair.

A light dangling above his head.

His shouts echoed off the cement walls. He struggled trying to get out.

" No use. Those ropes are stronger then you think, Mr. Rickson."

A masked dog stepped out of the shadows. His tall top hat rested against his pointed ears being covered by the leather. The eye holes were circular. They also had small tiny bolts. The lens are dark murky green.

His suit was cleaned and pressed nicely. The collar made out of fine black wool. His pants were long and neat. The boots all buckled.

His metal feet was bright against the light.

The great dane's eyes widened.

" The Silent Killer!" He then said surprised.

" Thats my name!" He chuckled.

The masked vigilante walked up to the scared and confused dog leaning closer.

" If you tell me where Mr. Huff is, I will let you free." He whispered into the dog's ear.

" Never!"

Out of his pockets of his long fancy jacket the masked dog pulled two revolvers. His hand on one of the triggers. His brown fur already slightly ruffled.

The brown stitching going down the mask creaked as the dog leaned forward resting the gun next to the dog's head.

" Now. You will tell me or you won't see the light of day!" He barked again.

" Kill me if you will. I will not give away my friend!" His summoned up the courage.

His now buttoned down white shirt and black pants were covered in dirt from the ropes.

" Brave, but is it smart?" The Silent Killer mocked.

" You kill me you won't have any way of finding him!" The dog chuckled.

The Silent Killer growled shooting at his leg.

He watched as blood began to soak the pant leg.

" Tell. Me." He barked again.

The hound looked up at The Silent Killer. Thinking of what to do and asking for mercy. The Silent Killer raised his gun again.

" Fine!" The dog pleaded.

" He is on thirty four Rocksen street!"

" Thank you. Can't let you spread the word." The Silent Killer shot him in the head then stepping back into the shadows.

The dog fell limp.

He walked into a room. Decorated by maps and faces.

" I'm coming for you soon, Chief." The Silent Killer smiled placing down his gun. He put his hand on the black and white picture.

He then reached for another tearing down the great dane's picture.

A breeze passed through the open window.

The Silent Killer faced toward the window.

All that did not listen will be killed before my feet.

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