~*~ Chapter 18 ~*~

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The Silent Killer grabbed his gun shooting Hadrian in the hand.

Hadrian growled. Falling to the ground.

" Trust me, this will be a quick death."

" Who said I will give in?" He winced. He then grabbed the Silent Killer's trench coat callar. Hadrian punched him in the face. The basenji growled staggering back. Hadrian stood.

The killer put his hand to his snout, feeling blood.

He then snarled running up stairs.

Hadrian chased after him. A cool breeze swept the room. The window was wide open. 

Hadrian leaped after The Silent Killer, pinning him. Hadrian tried to flip him over. Instead he got smacked in the face. Hadrian could feel blood start to gush out of his nose. As The Silent Killer and Hadrian began to wrestler, Hadrian grabbed the mask, yanking it off.

Hadrian and The Silent Killer fist fought.

As Hadrian dodged the punches he saw the window approaching.

The mask flew, landing on the ground.

Now, The Silent Killer was pinned to the window ledge.

" You, can stop.. You are under arrest."

" No! I will get my revenge!" He growled. He then proceeded to punch but missed Hadrian instead leaning back to far and falling out of the window. Hadrian tried to grab him, but was to late.

A thump was heard outside.

Hadrian ran down the steps and outside. The Silent Killer lay on the cobblestone road, flat on his back. His eyes gazed up into the night snowy sky. The lamp near him was the only light visible. Hadrian walked over, kneeling.

The criminal coughed.

He then reached for Hadrian's hand.

" Tell the chief, he was wrong, I finally did it. I finally was in the field. Tell him... Preston Lockston.. did it.." 

His chest then stopped moving.

Hadrian stood.

He looked to his hand, it throbbed in pain. Blood soaked the snow red beneath him.

" Today, we honor two men that have gone beyond the amazing. They, tracked down, fought, and solved a case that has been around for quite sometime. Preston Lockston was out for revenge. He did not achieve it. Instead, he sadly met his fate in a brutal way. Without these two men, he would still be on the lose."  The chief stood behind the podium. His dark brown, black, and white fur was cleaned. His brown eyes shimmered with joy. The steampunk gears on his arm were polished.

Dogs cheered.

Hadrian could hear Charles wind up his leg. The gears ticked smoothly. The thin but hard frame had taken over his right leg. Hadrian clenched his left hand. He also had to have it replaced with gears and a golden frame. 

The two officers walked over to the Chief.

Their uniforms were pressed and clean. Their hats rested upon their ears. As Hadrian and Charles walked over, the podium officers saluted. They lined the way to the podium.

The spring sun put a shine on the silver badges.

Standing next to the Chief, was a officer. He held the medals on a velvet cousin.

Hadrian and Charles saluted.

The Chief did the same.

As Charles and Hadrian stood at attention, medals were placed on their left breast-pocket. The medals were shined to perfection. The police symbol  surrounded by wings gave a more elegant look to the two officers. They then saluted once more. Then proceeding to walk over and sit back down in their seats.

The saluting officers from before doing the same.

" Now, it is with my great pleasure that these two Senior Officers will be working besides me. Congratulations gentlemen." 

Dogs clapped and cheered once more.

Hadrian looked out into the crowd. Dogs on the other side of the street passed the Police station at which the ceremony was taking place. He could hear ticking as Charles winded up his leg again. 

Words from Preston sounded in his head.

" I finally did it.."

Then words from Chief sounded from his head.

" A officer is loyal to his cause. He will do anything to be capable, anything to show not to be judged. Anything..."

Hadrian smiled slightly.

He did it. Oh Preston, you did really do it.

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