Chapter 5

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I woke up laying in a bed with all sorts of wires hocked up to me I was confused and weak there was a tube sticking out of my mouth there was something in my nose all sorts of wires and stuff were attached to my arms the cuts were wrapped in some sort of white thing and I kinda just lifted my arms in confusion asking myself what had happened? I looked around and there was iris laying on a chair sound asleep I smiled to myself. A man he looked like they guy I had last saw before I went to sleep but different he walked in and said

Doctor~ ah glad your awake

Timothy~ what happened were am I?

Doctor~ you will now everything soon right now you must rest

He injected some sort of medicine into a tube and it rushed into me and made me fall asleep

I was awaken by voices I couldn't tell whose they were but I opened my eyes to see my mom, dad and sister standing there talking to iris

Emily~ look guys Timothy's awake!

She shrieked as she pointed at me. I gave her a weak smile and look at my mom she didn't seem very happy to see me awake. I looked beside her to see my dad he looked mad but at the same time glad to see me. Than I looked at iris which you could tell she was anxious to hug me.

Mom~ finally your awake its been 1 week.

Dad~ yea we were starting to think you were never going to wake up.

Emily~ ignore there comments Timothy I'm glad to see my big brother awake and healthy.

Timothy~ thanks Emily I'm glad some cares for me

My mom just rolled her eyes at me and looked at my dad and motioned towards the door

Dad~ well were gonna leave now Emily has to get ready for school tomorrow right Emily

Emily~ but I wanna stay here with Timothy I can miss a day of school it won't matter

Mom~ Emily Scarlet Adler you get up and come on you have school!

Woah never heard my mom yell at Emily like that

Timothy~ go ahead ill be fine you need to go to school don't worry about me

Emily~ ok just cause you said so

She got up and gave me a kiss on the cheek and left

Iris~ your mom she seem nice

Of course she meant that sarcastically

Timothy~ yea supper. Best mom iv ever meat I said sarcastically she giggled and said

Iris~ Timothy I was worried we all were. But I'm glad you mad it through that coma and are now awake.

Timothy~ yea I guess I had a dream it was weird it was like I was watching in third person my life and I saw all the thing that happened from the day I was born to when a man was yelling 'he's right here' it was so weird but whatever. Tell me what has happened?

Iris~ well I was at home watching the notebook with Daniel when I got a phone call from an unknown number I answered thinking prank call this is totally a prank call but it wasn't it was your sister yelling a jut saying a bunch of word not even finishing sentences like 'Timothy' 'hurt' 'bad' 'hospital' and stuff like that I kinda just sat there as she hung up I let things process in my brain for about 15 seconds than ran out the door with a worried Daniel behind me. We came to the hospital to see your mom dad and sister standing there sad and confused I walked up to them and kinda hugged your sister for about 10 minutes than she explained what had happened to you. everyone seemed sad except your parents they looked like they just wanted to leave. Me and Emily have gotten really close. If it wasn't for Emily they probably wouldn't come visit you I'm just saying

Timothy~ wow well of course that believable from my parents they don't like me. But Emily I never really thought she knew she had a brother or at least she acted like she didn't

Iris~ well iv spent everyday her with you and everyday hoping to see your beautiful green eyes again.

I blushed a little but you couldn't. Really tell since I was mostly pale and weak looking. The doctor walked in and said

Doctor~ good news Timothy your are awake duh and if you get a little stronger you will be able to leave within a few days.

Timothy~ yay thanks

Doctor~ your welcome anything you need just call ok

He walked out leaving me alone with iris. We talked a little more than she had to go cause Daniel was her to take her home she gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek and left. I sat there alone in that room. Thinking.

|days later|

The doctor said I was free to go but my parents hadn't shown up since I woke up and they weren't answering any calls so I just sat in the waiting room alone once again until iris showed up and said

Iris~ come on your coming to stay with us till your parents realize what there doing to you

She said in a somewhat mad tone I smiled at her hopping that would cheer her up and it did Daniel was driving us home but I asked him if we could stop by my house so I could get some clothes. I walked into the house It was quiet not a single noise was heard I walked up to my room grabbed all my things this time and dragged them down to the car. Before I shut the door to the trunk I heard I noise come from the garden I looked over and saw Emily laying in the grass asleep I wonder why she was left alone she never is? Who knows I picked her up and carried her to her room. I laid her down and saw some paper on her dresser I grabbed a piece and wrote

•Emily, out of the hospital finally! can't stay at home sorry call me When you can. Saw you asleep in the garden? What was all that about? Talk to you later ~Timothy•

I walked out of her room got into the car and drove off iris was talking about something but I was in my own world wondering about things. When we got to her house I was brought back to reality when iris slammed the door on purpose of course. Daniel helped me with my thing while iris showed me my room she said I could stay her as long as I wanted. They both walked out leaving me alone in a room once again i don't know what it is about me being left alone in rooms that make me so sad. Anyways I was siting there thinking about things when all of a sudden I coughs myself walking into the bathroom and reaching for the razor I thought to myself. Your mom hates you your dad is disappointed in you why live? I made cuts again along my arms well were their was space cause most of my hand was covered in cuts from the accident and from older cuts I have made. I watched as it began to bleed and bleed more and more until again there was blood all over my hand and it stated to drip onto the floor. I just stared at the drops fall one at a time and hit the floor and spread into tiny little red splatters on the floor. I just smiled and thought to myself this will be the night my tears go away the night I have no more blood. I got in the shower and watched my hand get red and burn from the heat of the water. I sat there and watched the water go down the drain after about and hour of being in the shower iris knocked on the door

Iris~ Timothy are you ok?

Timothy~ yea I'm fine just taking a shower

Iris~ oh ok making sure

I got out of the shower and changed into some pajama pants I didn't put on a shirt since I wasn't used to going to sleep with a shirt I laid in bed and went to sleep thinking of Emily, she actually cares about you Timothy, your little sister actually cares about you.

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