Chapter 13

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Grace has been growing up so fast she now finally looks like a new born, because well she used to be smaller. her little blond hair is starting to grow a little longer it looks a little wavy. maybe the other father had curly hair...hmm guess ill never know. She looks different from iris. grace has blond hair blue eyes while iris has brown hair brown eyes. But I still find them both adorable.

Today Im going back to work :( my mom has called me twice in the past week and I haven't answered. I have nothing to talk about with her so why answer.


I can't believe it blaze is working at the same music parlor as me. great just great I thought when he said he wanted to be friends he just meant friends not close friends.

Today when I walked into work for the first day after a week of being out I saw him sitting at the cash register.

Timothy~ "umm what?"

Blaze~ "oh I started working here since Wednesday"

Timothy~ "oh well what do I do. usually I'm a the cash register"

Blaze~ " I don't know. wait we have to unpack so new drum equipment we just got this morning. I guess we could so that."

Timothy~ "oh ok"

Walking to the back we carried all the boxes into the entrance and began unpacking.


Waking up to my alarm clock, I quickly jumped out of bed and went to check on hazel. Timothy calls her grace but I think hazel is prettier. Well I like hazel grace Adler the best I lover her shes my baby of course I'm going to love her.

Anyways I called the baby sitter. which was a lady in her mid 20s named rylee that was looking for a job as a babysitter and I thought. well I need a babysitter and she needs a baby to take care of and well it worked out pretty cool. I called her to assure myself she was on her way.

Iris~ "ok so when exactly will you get here I have to be at school by 7:30"

Rylee~ "I'm on my way there ill be there in ten minutes"

Iris~ "ok thank you I don't want to leave hazel alone"

Rylee~ "ok ill be there in a few minutes bye"

Iris~ "ok bye"

Hanging up I checked on hazel to find her sound asleep in her crib. slowly closing the door I walked to the bathroom, but Timothy was in there so I went and got some breakfast ready for me and him before he had to go to work.

Timothy~ "what's cooking?"

Iris~ "eggs and bacon"

Timothy~ "yummy"

He said as he grabbed two plates and sat them on the table. I served him his food and mine. sitting down I heard hazel start to cry.

Quickly picking walking into her room,that by the way I love so much, I changed her diaper and carried her into the kitchen. eating with her in my arms is a little hard because well I'm still not fully used to a baby yet. Timothy got up and said he had to get to work so I have him a quick hug and said by. Rylee soon after came and i told her everything she needed to know about hazel before rushing out the door. We're in April and I have one more month of school left and I'm out for summer break. I got into the bus and realized people were looking at me weird. really I just was out for a couple of weeks no need to stare.

Graving my things and going to my first class Ty ran into me and made me drop all my stuff.

Ty~ "what where your going iris"

Iris~ "shut the hell up"

Ty~ " feisty much?"

Iris~ "why don't you go away"

God he gets on my nerves. I don't like him or Isaac or Blake or blaze. well blaze is actually of since he's trying to make things ok with Timothy but all the others are just dush bags.

I sat down in my usual seat and started listening to music before class started.


I felt like since me and iris had been living together for quiet a while now I should ask her to be my girlfriend. but I wasn't sure if she liked me or if she just thought I was her friend. I'm not really sure but I guess I will just wait and see.

I have this hole thing planned out I'm going to call Rylee and ask if she can baby sit for a little longer, than I will pick up iris from school and take her to a nice restaurant and ask her out. hopefully it all works out.


{ Timothy asks iris}

All day at work I have been thinking of tonight. I'm so worried. saying bye to blaze I got into my car and drove to pick up iris.

Finally I heard the bell ring and a bunch of people walk out. I saw some familiar faces. also some new faces. but I was just here for iris. she walked out about to go to buses but she saw me. smiling and walking towards me she asked

Iris~ "what are you doing here?"

Timothy~ "well I just got out if work and decided I would take you somewhere."

Iris~ "hmm were is Timothy taking me?"

Timothy~ "you'll see. now come on."

Iris~ "wait what about hazel?"

Timothy~ "she is fine rylee is taking care of her."

Iris~ "oh ok"

We walked into the restaurant, telling the lady to give us a table near a window she lead us to our table. helping iris to sit down. we ordered our food. I had completely forgot why I was here for about five seconds. then iris said

Iris~ "wait. why are we here?"

Timothy~ "oh yes ok so we have know each other for quiet some time now and I was thought that maybe you would want to be my girlfriend"

I kind of whispered the last part.

Iris~ "I um.... YES!!"

She jumped up and down and hugged me. Giving me a quick kiss we sat back down and ate our food. the rest of the night was pretty funny.

We made it back home around 6 and had promised rylee that we wouldn't be that late again.

Iris~ "how was hazel?"

Rylee~ "she was an angel. I love taking care of her."

Iris~ "that's good"

Rylee~ "ok well I gotta go ill come back tomorrow around the same time."

Iris~ "ok thank you. bye"

I had grace in my arms and was admiring her beautiful blue eyes when iris snapped me out of it by turning on the tv.

Laying grace down in her baby chair we watched tv and ate popcorn.


Thought it would be cool to add another point of view than just Timothy's

Ok so apparently this story is confusing. Comment what you think or if you have any thought of ways to fix the confusing parts. I guess

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