Chapter 17

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We were welcomed by the living room which consisted of three large white couches and a small white one. there was a large flat screen tv on top of the chimney. A coffee table sat in between the couches. there were beautiful white roses set in vases all around the living room.

After looking at the hole house, everyone got there rooms.

Me, iris, and grace got second floor main room. Blake got the room right next to ours.

Right across for those two rooms was the bathroom and Irelands room.

Down the stairs was the living room once you entered. Down the hall was the kitchen and the bathroom. across from the kitchen was another room which Sydney and Caleb were using. and right beside it was faith and Anthony's room.

After getting all our things into each room we decided it would be better to go out and buy something to eat.

Iris, grace, faith, Ireland, and Sydney went out to buy snacks and food and drinks. while us guys stayed here taking care of Kaiden and grace.


I know I can trust Timothy and Blake with hazel grace but the other two, kinda not sure they seem to laid back to worry about two small baby's.

I got into the back seat while Ireland sat driving faith was beside me and Sydney in the passenger seat.

We had just pulled out when our favorite song came on the radio.

Sydney~ "OH MY GOD!!! TURN IT UP!!"

Ireland~ "calm down god"

She laughed while blasting the music. we drove down the road till we got to Walmart.

We ended up messing around doing a bunch of stupid shit. after getting a bunch of food and snacks which consisted of a variety of chips and candy, frozen pizza, ice cream, drinks, and of course baby food. (for hazel and Kaiden) after paying for it we went back to the house and dropped everything off.

Running into my room I took a quick shower, straightened my hair, put on some faded ripped shirts, a tank top with the word "hipster" on it, slid on some red vans and a few bracelets. covering my scars that were there. I applied a thin layer of eye liner and mascara. hearing faith yell for me to hurry up I rushed out graving a cute red dress for hazel to wear and matching headband and shoes.

I changed hazel into her clothes while Ireland changed Kaiden. she was wearing a vans T-shirt and some ripped shorts, with matching vans, and a beanie. we walked out holding our children in our arms. we were greeted by faith wearing a black ripped tight with a shirt that said 'you can't kill all of us, motionless in white ' at the front. Some black and white convers and a some black studded bracelets. Sydney was wearing a batman top, some short, black vans and a batman necklace. We walked out putting the kids in there seats and serving off to the nearest mall.


All the girls plus the two baby's left us. they just got ready and left. who does that? Whatever as long as they don't get arrested we'll be ok. I eventually got bored of sitting around watching random things on tv, eventually I decided to go out for a walk.

I changed into some shorts and plain blue shirt. this would be my first time wearing a short sleeve shirt. Since my encounter with a certain sharp object. the scars were very obvious all up my arm but I honestly don't care what people say at this point. The sun was beaming bright

Walking out I grabbed my phone and walked out. The sun was at its hottest point and I felt as if I was gonna die of heat radiation. the waves came crashing into my feet and it felt great. the water wasn't freezing, or steaming it was just perfect. I ended up getting to hot so I walked to the nearest store. walking in the cool fresh air of the air conditioner was the first thing to hit me and it felt great. I knew absolutely no one here so I just walked to the drinks and got me a peace tea and some Doritos. As I was grabbing my wallet to pay I saw at the corner of my eye a group of guys staring and pointing my direction. I ignored them and payed got my stuff and walked out. but with the luck I have they flowed me out. I began to walk a little fast, but they ended up catching up to me. the first boy, which was about 5, 11" and very muscular pulled me back.

Timothy~ "what the hell?"

Guy~ "woah calm down boy we just wanna talk"

His tone of voice was in the least calm.

He let go of me and I turned to face him. Was this dude serious? Out of all the people in the store they choose to come after me.

The guys were laughing having a great time as I just stood there pissed off. it was hot I was starving and these guys thought it was funny. I can't believe my life! I can't go one day without stupid people coming and messing with me. They started laughing and calling me names, like it would cause me some sort of pain. They eventually got bored realizing that there name calling and shoving me was affecting me at the least.

I got my stuff and walked back to the house. Slamming the door behind me and ignoring the various questions coming from black, Anthony, and Caleb. I hate people I can't believe I actually thought I would be able to walk out thinking I wouldn't get made fun of. I wasn't going to let them get to me but just the fact that everything they said was true made me mad. I can't take this anymore. looking at the clock realizing it was already 8:45 pm. well it's not like I'm gonna have some other interesting things to happen so I just undressed my self to only having gym short I crawled into bed and let sleep take over me.

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