Chaper 11

22 1 0

Iris~ "t-Timothy..

Was all she could say. I quickly turned around and in a matter of seconds I was beside her.

Timothy~ "iris listen babe you need to stay rested ok so don't try to hard to talk or anything.

Iris~ "how? how's my baby?"

Timothy~ "she is fine. now you need to rest."

I kissed her forehead and watched as she slowly went back to sleep. Walking out quietly I asked one of the nurses if she could show me were Iris's baby was at.

We went into an elevator and went down to the second floor. later walked down a long hallways. walking past a sign which said 'newborn intensive care.' I new we were getting close. We went into a room. and the nurse says

Nurse~ "here she is"

Timothy~ "thank you so much"

There she was asleep her body was so small was attached to many wires. I couldn't help but to get teary eyed. that baby shouldn't be here. iris shouldn't be here! why are they? they don't deserve to be suffering like this. I couldn't take it. there was no way I was going to be able to sit here and watch that baby in the conditions she was in. walking out quietly I told the nurse that I was leaving.

Walking to Iris's room I asked her the most important question she would probably need to answer quickly.

Timothy~ "iris... I just came back from being with yo...our baby I was thinking. what are you going to name her?"

Iris~ "I think hazel sounds pretty"

Timothy~ "what about hazel grace?"

Iris~ "hazel grace Adler"

Timothy~ "no. I couldn't just put my last name for her."

Iris~ "but I want to your her dad right?"

Timothy~ "well yea."

Iris~ "ok well if you agree her name is hazel grace Adler."

I just smiled and couldn't believe baby grace was gonna have my last name.

That was probably the happiest thing iris could have ever told me.

She began to get light headed and later drifted of into a deep sleep.

Walking out if the hospital and going to my house to shower and get a few things for iris. I received a text from Emily. (E=Emily T=Timothy)

E- Timothy is it ok if after school I drop by the hospital and stay with iris and u for a while?

T- yea that would be great!

E- kk ill be there around 4:30

Jumping into the shower i took a nice hot shower. walking out and fixing my hair back to its shaggy punk style i always put it in i changed into a fresh pair of blood red skinny jeans and black veil brides shirt. I walked into iris room and grabbed all the things iris asked like her phone charger, pillow pet, a warm blanket, make up bag, and some fuzzy socks. shoving all those Things into a duffle bag I grabbed a pillow for myself and and a warm blanket I also shoved those into the bag. finally when I was sure I had everything I walked out locking the door behind me.

Once I was at the hospital I noticed Emily was already there talking to iris.

Timothy~ "hey I'm gonna put out things right here and then go look at grace ok"

Iris~ ok thanks Timmy."

Emily~ "yea yea go away were having girl time."

Timothy~ "haha very funny"

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