Chapter 18

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I was awaken by a loud roar of thunder. 'Great it's raining' I thought to myself. Fuck my life I'm supposed to be having fun. I turned to see iris asleep beside me. how the hell can she sleep when the sky sounds like its about to fall? She amazes me sometimes. grace began to move around so I got up and grabbed her from her crib, and walked out to the living room.

Caleb~ "can't sleep?"

Timothy~ "nope stupid thunder woke me and grace up."

Caleb~ "same here."

He turned the tv on and boom. written in bold red at the bottom of the screen read 'hurricane warning'

Caleb~ "well that's great."

Timothy~ "we should wake the others so if things get worse to leave."

Caleb~ "smart"

His idea of waking people up was actually smart but he forgot one small detain.... We have 2 small kids here and well loud music is not there thing. he plugged up his phone and started blasting 'king for a day' by pierce the veil ft. Kellin Quinn. everyone slowly started coming out of there rooms shouting all sorts of cuss words at me and Caleb.

Faith~ "WHAT THE HELL! IT'S 5:00 in the morning!"

Sydney~ "care to explain why you have awaken me from my slumber?"


(Iris isnt a morning person, people should know not to awaken her, she is capable of anything when awaken from her sleep)

Another~ "ugh!!! what is so imprt...."

Caleb cut him off of his words by saying

Caleb~ "how about y'all shut the hell up and listen to me for once."

Everyone got quiet and sat around the living room. Ireland and Blake were the last ones out, they took one look at everyone and just sat down in the empty couch.

Timothy~ "ok so um we're kinda under hurricane warning."

Everyone's facial expression was a mixture of shock and disbelief. we sat around the tv watching as things began to get worse and worse. people were warning that we stay indoors and assure ourselves we had everything we would need for at least a week.

Well isn't that just great. iris, faith and Sydney. being the ones who always over react, started to shake and panicking. I hugged iris and told her we would be ok. Thankfully that helped her calm down.

Faith had been smart and started googling what we needed to have. things were getting worse the wind was so strong it was bending trees and blowing storms of sand up into the night sky. Non of us had ever been in a real hurricane before so all this was new to us. I wasn't sure of I needed to pack clothes or just get food. this is all so confusing.


While everyone was running back and forth trying to get things. I got a on the Internet and found a site that listed everything wee needed. I read it aloud and started getting people to grab everything. We got all the canned foods and stuff like that, that we had and put them in a bag. then we grabbed a bag and filled it with clothes for both baby's. we assured ourselves that we had any medicine in there to just in case someone got sick. later I told all the guys to go down into the basement and see if they had any wood that we could use to cover the windows. Thankfully the owner of this place was smart enough to have a bunch of wood stacked up with some nails and a hammer. I got Timothy and Blake to do all the bottom windows while Anthony and Caleb did the top windows. by the time everyone was done daylight had just begun to shine but the house seemed dark. we could hear the strong wind blowing and the harsh rain crashing into the windows and walls. everything seemed so unreal. The baba had started getting restless and they began to cry and no matter what we tried they seemed to not want to stop crying. eventually Blake took grace and rocked her to sleep. I'm not sure why but he just seems to close to her, oddly they seem alike. there color of eyes and hair the way they have only one dimple on there right cheek. then again a lot of people have that. anyways she feel asleep and Kaiden was left awake but he eventually calmed down after Ireland rocked him to sleep. Everyone was then asked to go to the highest room in the house which was iris and Timothy's room. we out our things down on the floor next to the baby's which had been laid on the bed. Later everyone was forced to out there phones to charge haut to make sure that if we had a power outage we would have them charged.

Sydney and Caleb had the smart idea of looking for candles and flashlights. so they left the room and started looking around the house.


Faith is a smart person. we would probably be helpless if she would of came up with the hole google idea. me and iris have been sitting here on the floor of our room watching the news. all morning. occasionally we had to get up and check on grace. it's now 11:00 pm and things still are managing to get worse. the power had gone out twice for quit some time but it came back.

God I hate storms! faith, Caleb, and Ireland had fallen asleep already and we didn't need anymore falling asleep just in case. The warning for a hurricane hitting us had gone down and it said that we just had bad sorts watch. well this is good now at least we don't have a chance of having our vacation ruined.

Everything had calmed down now and we just had a lot, and by a lot I mean buckets full of water pouring down. other than that we were hurricane free. Our plans for that day ha been ruined, we did have planned to go on a short cruise at the beginning of the day and later go to a carnival, but thanks up the stupid hurricane we spend all morning and most of the afternoon in mine and Iris's room.


The next chapter is going to be a longer and more interesting~ Lizbeth

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